She's in my team.

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Hey :¬DD Hope you guys enjou my story. I'm just improvising by the way o it won't be that good. Thanks x Comment and rate. Love you all. Ok. Now get on with the story. Sorry, I'm kind of bad at Grammer.

P.s. This story is kind of like the movies "She's the man".


Riley's P.O.V

"You're up next Riley. "Pause" Don't let me down."

" 'Course Coach, when have I ever let you down ?" I joked as I picked up my bat and fled to the field. This was my time. I stood there gripping my bat and positioned. The ball came flashing foward. I concentrated at the speed of the ball and WAHM. Home run. All right! I ran to the first-base, touched it. Second base, touched it. Third base, touched it. I rushed to the finishing smiling like an idiot. We had won. The croud cheered triumphantly as I jogged up to my team mates. They all were cheering at me and the coach, yeah he smiled and patted my back. I had done it again, yes ME. I wonder.. Without me this team would've failed, HARD.

Cammie's P.O.V

I placed my cap on my head, pulling my ponytail trough the back gap to stop my cap from falling. This was going to be one hell of a game. The ball fitted on my hand like it belonged there. I gripped on it as tight as my strength woud take. No way in hell would they close this club down. Baseball was my life and I was not having it being out of the club list. That stupid coach could just shut his mouth and get on with it.

"But coach, we tried. It's not our fault no one elce wanted to join the girls baseball team."

"I'm not having in Cameron, I said no. There just aren't enough people to play the positions in."

And then it struck me. "Coach, you said there is space in the boy-"

"No, Cameron. You're a girl. You can't play in the boys team. You're not tough enough." Then he started laughing. Oh no he didn't. I stormed of still being able to hear to the faint laugh of my coach in the background. I'll show him how good I am..

Shoot. What an amazing idea Cammie, you're so brilliant. I thought. I'm going to try and get into Indians. Surely they'll let me play? I know how coach hates that team and if I'm playing aginst my own- used to be team. Surley coach would beg on his knees pleading that I'd come back and my answer would be as simpile as "NO". Mwahh. I'm so evil.

Riley's P.O.V

"Dude, check that hot girl out." Mike, my annoying best-friend pointed. Shw was talking to coach about something which was awkward because people who wern't in our team would only talk to him if they wanted to join but no way would a girl be able to join so it must be from some other reason. As she walked away Mike wolf-whistled at her. She seemed to have heard it even though we're in quite a distance and glared at him. Wow. She surley was hot. I didn't realise she was staring back at me. We stood there for a moment glancing at each other. I couldn't tear my eyes off of her. And then it stopped. She realised what se was doing and walked away blushing. God, I needed to know her name. I needed to be by her. Don't get me wrong here. I din't believe in first love but if you were me you would've understand what I'm trying to say. But the problem is.. How am I going to be able to talk to her ? I mean, I've never seen her at my school, or atleast haven't realised she goes here. I probally won't ever see her again.

Wait.. Am I getting this right ? Me, Riley, the best baseballer in Indians. I was better than all the school's we've played. I, who had the hottest girlfriend, was the fittest guy in school fell for a girl who I didn't even know. Ok, surley she was hot but she dressed like a boy except from the skinny jeans. She wore a cap which laid perfectly on her head, an un-girly top. Wait, I think that's a guy's top. And she wore ripped skinny jeans with red converse. She had no style of the types of girls I like. They should wear tight short dresses, black. Tight tops, black. And tight mini skirts, black. Yes, black. Such a lovely colour. She is soo not my type. So tell me, ME. Why am I falling for a girl who I don't even know and has none of the style I like  looks like a tomboy ? Huh ? Am I going insane ?? I think I should go to the doctor later..

Cammie's P.O.V

I was staring was a guy  without noticing. Oh, his deep aqua eyes. How they looked so mesterious, so beautiful.. Snap out of it Cammie! I realised he was lookin gback and quickly walked away blushing. He was soo FIT. Mouth watering, drooling.. What the hell are you saying ? Forget about him. You don't even know him. I tried to eraise away his beautiful face from my mind. His amazing face.. God, I was going nowhere. Change subject.

Yes, the Indians coach is letting me in. I am going to play. :pp Se if you like that coach. Ha. I was in my bedroom laughing randomly and stareddoing my happy dance. I don't know whay i'm so.. Weird ?

 Mwahhhhhhh!! I fell so evil, so great. Joy ran through my body.

 Wait.. How was I going to convince my mum to make me transfer schools ? Damn you Cammie. You should've thought of that before. I dived in bed sulking that my evil plan had been ruined. Now I was probally never going to be able to play baseball. I lay there feeling sorry for myself.

"Cammie, you gotta do me a favour!" My annoying brother, Matt cam ein shouting, opening my bedroom dorry and jumping on my bed. Seriousley, sometimes I don't even think he's 17. he acts like a 5 year old. "I'm going to London with my band tonight." he smiled. Wait..

"WHAT ??" I basically screamed adding a milling of exclamation marks which oviousley can't fit in this chapter.

"You heard me, I'm going to London and you gotta do me a favour."

"NO." I said flatly.

"Common Cammie. You haven't even heard what the favour was."

"But I know it'll be stupid."

"How do you know when you haven't even heard it?"

"Your favours are always stupid. Oh, just like you."

He ignored what I just said and briefley stated, "All I want you to do is tell mum that I've gone to dad's house."

"What's the reward?"


"Have a safe jourey, my beautiful brother." I smiled angelicly. He grinned and threw his luggage out of the window and then climbed down himself. There was a car waiting outside for him and he stuffed his luggage inside and climbed it. Opening the window he shouted, "Don't FORGET." Then drove away.


"Ok, honey."

Done. Now all I have to do is cover for his new school. Trinity High. How was I going to cover for that.. wait ?? Trinity, Indians, Trinity, Indians, Trinity.. These words kept on repeating in my head. I had the awsomest idea ever. I was going to go to his new school as, well, him..

I would oviously get away with it as we we're twins and nobodys would really realise as they'd never seen him before. Now all I needed to do was get a new makeover... Fraiser.. I grinned. Oviousley, he was goign to help me right ? I mean he was the best hairdresser here in Florida... I ran out of my house to the salon, just to look for Fraiser.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2011 ⏰

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