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"Er, what?" Molly and Scratch asked in unison. Only hearing the former, Andrea giggled.

"Wait wait wait-" Molly waved her hands about in front of her quickly, face screwing up in confusion. "Are you...asking me out...?"

Another giggle. "Yes, you cutie!" Molly stared blankly as the other girl booped her nose. She leant back and flipped her hair over her shoulder, placing a confident hand on her hip. "So what do you say?"

"Well she's got guts, I'll give her that." Scratch conceded. Molly ignored him, still deeply confused.

"I- wait. What?? Didn't you...y'know and me..???" Molly stared at Andrea in bewilderment as she made an incredibly vague gesture between them. "Y'know? My first day and all?"

For a split second, an awkward look crossed Andrea's features. Any sign of a real human emotion was quickly wiped away however as she tilted her head back and let out an incredibly false laugh. "Oh, that? Don't worry about it, Sweetie-"

"Sweetie?" Scratch scrunched up his nose as she placed a hand on Molly's shoulder- the girl doing much the same.

"It's water under the bridge! I'm like, totally over it now."

"You're over it-?

"So anyway what do you say? Icecream at Däagan Hanz, Americas best effically sourced ice cream emporium?"

"Uh...Look Andrea, I-" Any words in Molly's throat died instantly as she caught the other girl winking to her phone. "Wait. Are you recording this?!" Her voice reached pitches previously unheard of in her mortification.

"Ugh, well I was. Thanks for ruining it." Rolling her eyes, Andrea shoved the phone in her pocket.

Scratch narrowed his eyes. "Y'know, its real easy to fry those things. I could be in and out." He whispered (unnecessarily) to Molly. She glanced at him for only a moment before turning back to Andrea, deciding she was too angry to let herself consider it.

"What the heck?!" She screamed instead, throwing her arms out.

Andrea's face crinkled into an amused smile at the sight of Molly's face. "Oh relax, Cutie." She waved her hand like it was nothing. "I wasn't live streaming! I just figured I'd try for a candid scene before going all in. But no matter, my team already has a plan B." Shrugging, she walked up to Molly and began to circle her while the other girl stuttered in bewilderment.

"I- you- what? Wait-"

"What team??" Scratch finished for her.

"Now:" Popping up from over her shoulder, Andrea held her hands up in a square and squinted. "When I ask you, you're gonna wanna really channel that whole shocked speechless thing you've got going on now- it's real cute, the shippers will die for it. But we're gonna wanna tweak the flavour. Little less 'Oh my gosh where am I'?" She held her hands to her cheeks and put on a ditzy voice. "Little more: 'Oh. Em. Gee. THE Andrea Davenport is asking me out!' Ok? We gotta really sell this."

"I don't- I-" Pausing when she registered the other girls words, Molly narrowed her eyes. She ignored Scratch's comment about her impression of her not being that bad, and tried to speak calmly. "Andrea. Listen. I'm really flattered-"

"Uh, duh! Of course you are!" Andrea stopped her rambling to herself and whirled on her. "But save that for the video, ok?"

"No- I don't want to date you!"

She stopped. For a moment the two girls simply stared at each other. The giddy grin on Andrea's face gradually straightened out. With a sigh, Molly fiddled with her hands awkwardly. "I'm sorry Andrea, but I'm not interested." She managed to say firmly. A slight twinge of guilt was attempting to creep its way into her expression, but the feeling of an cold presence softly landing on her head neutralised it.

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