Chapter 22: Rendezvous

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16 years old

Every day Gage comes by with another rose, all of them dark red. And every day Summer learns to trust him a little more. Doctor Rose was reluctant at first about his visits, but she's so astounded by Summer's progress when he's there she requests him to come by twice a day. If it were Cameron's choice, he'd be the guard outside the door. He can't always visit twice a day, but today he promises something special for her. It's her last day in the hospital; Doctor Rose says she's finally gained enough weight after her near starvation, and her blood work shows normal levels on all accounts. The only thing still stumping Doctor Rose is her lack of blood type and no genetic code. Doctor Rose promises to get to the bottom of it, even if she has to search through "dusty medical books" for hours.

Cameron stops by Summer's room in the afternoon on her twelfth day in the hospital. Summer hasn't seen her in a week, so she's surprised by the visit.

"I heard the good news," Cameron says as she plops down in the chair, though Summer leans against the wall that was once a window. "Today's your last day here. I'm glad you're doing so well; when I first saw you on the beach I was really afraid we weren't going to get you back in time."

This scares Summer because she didn't know how bad she was before now. This is the best she's felt in a very long time, so she's grateful for everything these strangers have done for her. Though they really don't feel like strangers anymore.

"Anyway, I heard you and Gage have been rendezvousing." Cameron's fingers trail around the vase of roses.

Summer looks away, her face flushing. She doesn't know what rendezvousing means, but it sounds dirty.

"He's a good guy, Summer," Cameron says. "I just wanted to tell you thanks for giving him a second chance."

Summer pushes off the wall and hops onto the bed.

"And I'm here to warn you about tomorrow," Cameron continues. "I know Gage hasn't told you much about what's going on outside the hospital. He doesn't want to make you any more anxious than you already are."

Warn? Their eyes meet, and Cameron shrugs.

"People don't like the Outlanders, Summer. It's dangerous out there for someone like you. Did Doctor Rose give you the neural transplant?"

Summer turns her head to the side to show the device in her ear. They put it in a few days ago, and as requested by Gage, they left out the telepathic part. It's mainly for show so when she leaves people will be less likely to consider her an Outlander, since that's the first thing they look for to distinguish them.

"Good," says Cameron. "I'll be here tomorrow, and so will some of the other soldiers. We're going to dress you in all black so you don't stand out. We have everything on our side prepared for your transport to the Outlander camp. But I need you to be mentally prepared for this. Okay?" Cameron places her hand on Summer's forearm. "If this is going to be a challenge, Doctor Rose can give you a drug to relax you, if you want."

Summer gives a sharp nod, hoping to stay far away from needles.

"I've got a patient I need to attend to, but I'll see you tomorrow, all right? Have fun with all your rendezvousing!" Cameron stands and strides toward the door, not noticing Summer's blush. Before she exits, she smiles over her shoulder and says, "You are the easiest person to talk to, you know?"

Summer returns the smile, and Cameron slides her palm across the front of the door, opening it.

Later that evening, Gage shows up with bags full of stuff. He's wearing blue jeans and a white T-shirt with black, grunge-like designs on it. He explained before that fashion changes dramatically, but jeans and T-shirts haven't changed at all. Simplicity at its best.

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