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Harry pov

*Continuation of chapter 9...
I jogged up to my bedroom and slam the door shut, calling my best friend immediately. I need to talk to her
because she's like the expert in everything and she knows what to do every time.

"Hey! So how was it?" Kris answered on the first ring.

"How was what?" I flopped on my bed and stared up the ceiling. I'm a little lost right now because of the events
that happened today and it's not even night yet.

"Boyyyy! Don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about!" I wanna tell her that I'm lost right now and I have
no idea what she's talking about. I didn't respond. "You know what? I'm coming over right now,"

"Alright, bye," Before I can finish, she hung up on me. Wow, what a best friend I have. I lied there staring at the plain white ceiling as my head replayed scenes that I wish i could erase off my memory. Not two minutes later and the doorbell rang. I sat up like a robot and ran downstairs to get the door, when I got there, zayn was already holding the door open for my best friend who looks like she just woke up. Kidding! Kris can be pretty without her even trying.

We both squealed and met each other half way. I hugged her tight like I haven't seen her forever, zayn looked at us weird as he poked his ears.

"I think you both broke my ear drums," He tried yawning and I laughed at his facial expression.

"Heeeeeey zayn!!!!!!" Kris pulled away from me and jumped on my step brother like legit. She hugged him
tight, I think tighter than she did to me, close to strangled him.

"Hey sexy," zayn flirted but I can see that he's struggling to breath. I smirked at him. Good, let him die from suffocation. Nah, I'm not that mean. He skimmed his hands through her thighs and I heard Kris gasp.

"Still naughty aye?" She hopped off him and stood beside me.

"Still me," He winked at her then smirked at my direction.

"Okay! Well remember James, Kris?" She's leading zayn into something and I just had to cut their flirting short.

"No I don't, who the hell is James?" She gave me a fake glare and I chuckled.

"That boy who you spent a week with in Bahamas doing who knows what?" I teased her, she blushed up a bit and
nudged me to shut up. Zayn quirk his brows at us, obviously lost in our conversation.

"I will leave you to that," He glanced at me before striding towards the kitchen.

"You're step brother's ass is so sexy," Kris leaned close to whisper. I swapped her arms and pressed my mouth in a thin line.

"Stop checking him out!" I said through gritted teeth. I smiled, shaking my head though.

"What? Those butt cheeks are hot!" I bursted out laughing as we climbed up the staircase. Kris always makes my day, I don't even know how we became best friends. Wait, it was in prep school when some boy took my snack and kris was there to save the day. Hooray!

She did a cartwheel as soon as I opened the door to my room and landed directly on the bed, doing some seductive pose with a duck face. I told you she's crazy.

"Gosh Kris! You kill me!" I laughed out loud and she chuckled.

"That's what I do," She shrugged and snatched the Vogue magazine off my side table. "Ooooh! This is pretty! We
should go shopping chica!" Kris pointed out a cream colored lace dress that was printed on the page.

"I doubt it will still fit in your closet," My best friend's closet is like a shop, some clothes still has a tag on and
she sometimes lend me her clothes if she forgets about it.

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