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Yep totally fluff ;) 

Day 1 - Fluff day

Ship: Park Jin Tae x Kim Roksu 

I just wanted kitten Roksu again :< 


"Any sign of him?" The black-haired male asked, his eyes filled with worry, as they always did at this time. He sat down on the bench, trying to catch his breath, awaiting an answer from his best friend. The other male silently stood for a while, not trying to catch his eyes, looking towards the school entrance, "Sorry, I didn't find him." 

The black hair male gritted his teeth as he quickly stood up. Then, angry at himself, he kicked the bench, leaving the area.

"Where did you search? The garden? With those idiots?" He questioned, furious at the fact that his boyfriend seemed to vanish off the radar. 

Lee Chul Min sighed, refusing to look at Park Jin Tae, knowing well this was just another one of the lover's shenanigans he somehow gets dragged into. "I looked everywhere for him. I even asked the other guys to keep an eye out for him."

Sighing at the comment, he bit his lip while clenching his hands, trying to calm his frustration down. "Thanks, I'll find him myself." Lee Chul Min nodded his head, cursing at Kim Rok Soo for making his friend sad."I'll take my leave then." Without any word, Park Jin Tae waved his hands as he walked his own way too.

Walking towards the school kitchen, Park Jin Tae clicked his tongue. His stomach was growling as he missed breakfast early morning.

Kim Roksu, his boyfriend, had asked him not to miss school on this specific day for some reason. But, as usual, he woke up late, causing him to rush toward the bus stop causing him to miss his meal.

"Why did he call me today anyway?" He grumbled to himself as he slowly opened the kitchen fridge. The fridge was available to students to keep the food they brought, that needed to be refrigerated.

As usual, not many kept their meals in the fridge. Nobody everybody wished to walk all the way towards the school kitchen to keep their meal refrigerated and back just to get their food. Too much effort just to eat food.

His eyes trailed through the food, sighing as he couldn't find a decent snack. It was not his, to begin with, yet he didn't care. He was hungry; the other could get something else.

Soon after, his eyes glanced toward a huge white box. The fancy design on top of it piqued his curiosity to a certain extent that his hands moved on their own. Slowly opening the box, his eyes sparkled as he was greeted with the delicious smell of apple pie and cookies.

His eyes held mischief as he looked around, checking if it was all clear. "Roksu would be happy if I get him some." Then, nodding in satisfaction as he could envision his boyfriend's beautiful smile, he grabbed a few pieces of apple pie along with cookies.

Park Jin Tae sighed in frustration as he recalled what he did early that day. The apple pie and cookies that he stole, just for his boyfriend to smile, he didn't expect something like this to happen.

With a huge grin plastered on his face, Jin Tae walked toward the rooftop where which was his and Roksu's usual spot. "Jin Tae!" a frown rose on his face as he turned around to greet his friend, Lee Chul Min. "I don't have time yet-" "It's Roksu."

Hearing his lover's names, his feet quickly started to move as the two arrived at the kitchen. "Who took the apple pies and cookies out of the white box? Did nobody read the 'Do no touch'" warning?" Choi Jung Soo asked furiously as Kim Roksu blankly stared out the window as he leaned against the wall.

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