Memories Are Meant To Be A Secret

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As Colby looked at Sophie he thought of his child hood best friend. He had a flash back of all their moments together.

                                                             Age 23 when he came back home to visit

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                                                             Age 23 when he came back home to visit

                                                                       Age 8 at his best friends house

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                                                                       Age 8 at his best friends house

And of course, if you spend this amount of time with some one, you are destined to fall in love

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And of course, if you spend this amount of time with some one, you are destined to fall in love...

(these are just a few of their moments, not all of them obvi lol)


He then thought of her begging him not to leave, he could still see the heart break in her beautiful bright green eyes. He looked over at Sophie and realized that this was her... The girl he had been looking for for the last 3 years...He had to talk to her, and it had to be now, he couldn't wait  any longer...

                                                                      x Sophie's POVx

  I watched with silent eyes as Colby got up and walked over to me. He had a mixture of hope and regret in his eyes, his facial expression showed distress and yet so many other emotions at the same time...

"Sophie..."Colby murmured while walking past her, "follow me."

"What, uhm, ok.." I was to surprised but to do anything but follow.

We walked out of the Trap House and turned a corner, going around to the side of the house. He all of a sudden turned around with tears in his eyes, causing me to crash into him on accident.

"What town did you grow up in?" He demanded.

"Uhmmm, why do you need to know that?" I ask, confused at his sudden outburst.

"Just answer the question!!" He replies growing impatient, like he's about to crack into a million pieces, like his life is depending on this question. I give in.

" Stanley, Johnson County, Kansas...Why???" I answer even more confused now.

"Oh my God..Whats you last name?!?!?"He digs, the look of hope in his eyes growing.

"I-I-Its....McCollum..." I finally manage to stammer out. Everything clicked into place, I never noticed his last name, his eyes, all the hints around me, I realize, this is Colby, my Colby.

Colby engulfs me in a tight in a tight hug, showering me in kisses, making up for all that lost time. He releases me and we start talking right away, still not believing that this is happening.


As always, thank y'all so so so so SO much for reading this! It means the world to me!I'm not that good at writing and everything, so I'm sorry this was bad and I will do better. I feel like this is kinda rushed, with this being the third chapter and everything(I think). I will try and slow this down, I just sometimes get lazy with writing since I have it all planned out in my head, I might take a break here pretty soon or today, so I'm apologizing in advance for that! I hope y'all have an amazing day/night/morning/evening where ever you are!

                                                            Much love xoxoxo, 


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2022 ⏰

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