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entry #05

i always had a habit of dozing off in class. at this point it was so reoccurring that the students started ratting me out to see my reaction. and let me tell you, it is not pretty waking me up. especially not with maths teacher in class. absolutely shit show.

i'd never wanted to attack people so badly in my class before until then.

it was like they were trying to get on my nerves, even thinking about it now makes me pissed off. they were all so unimaginably annoying. i just had to be in a class with them had i?

"toki's asleep teacher!" they giggled and laughed. already knowing where this was going. "well wake her up then." feeling taps and calls of her name, she groaned and glared at the first person who was near her. her pinpoint and exhausted eyes  telling a story on its own. "who the hell woke me up." her voice came out as a growl.

she was starting to sound like jaemin. it was disgusting realizing and standing up. slamming her hands down on the table, she surveyed the room. "just give me my detention teach." she spat, narrowing her eyes on a giggle group.

"detention, miss maruyama, detention for sleeping" the teacher called making her drop down in her seat. feeling a stare on her, she glared over to the boy staring at her with a smug face. mouthing a loser towards her, she clenched her fist and jabbed him in the gut. watching him recoil and hold his stomach. he matched her expression of annoyance.

pulling out his phone, he slid it towards her with the contacts page open. staring at it with a sneer, she punched in '112' and stuck out her tongue. staring at the number in astonishment, he stared between the number and her with disappointment. laying her head down, she went to go doze off again. knowing to the boy grabbing her phone from her desk and unlocking it with ease.

how he knew the passcode combination? don't worry about it. sneakily finding her number and punching in hers into his phone. adding his number to her phone with ease. texting his phone with hers, he cooed and smiled. closing the tab and putting it back where he found it. now problems from this here.

that damn wench got my fucking number like that. like who does that? all i wanted to do was sleep and i get his number? absolutely not, ew ew ew.

but did i block his number? nope. it was too late at that point anyways. i just had to live with the fact that jaemin could text me at any given point. though, i kinda wished i had blocked it sooner when i got the chance. those chat logs could haunt me for the rest of my life. they probably still do haunt me and i just don't realize.

when i figured out he got my number with this, you can only imagine how angry i was. i ranted to jeno so much that week that he would get annoyed when we were at school around jaemin. i have the power to make people hate other people. i know. such a good power right?

we made a horrendous group chat with jeno and things said in that group chat are so cursed that i wouldn't recommend finding whatever the hell was and is in that group chat.

stay winning 🥶

🎾 : jeno
😚 : jaemin
🥸 : toki

she's a 10 but she tells me tennis is boring 😬😬

she's a 10 but she thinks piercings on guys are gay 🥵

he's a 10 but he won't shut the fuck up
please guys i'm so tired
go to sleep

i have no idea what you just said but no
hehe i feel funny

typical - n.jmWhere stories live. Discover now