This has nothing to do with the book but it has to do with basic human rights.
This note is about how America overturned Roe v Wade. If you can please donate to organizations like planned parenthood (and others!! but I need to do more research on good organizations, so please tell me some)
Do anything we can because I don't care what you think about this topic all I know is that it doesn't just affect women. Soon things like same-sex relationships will also become illegal. So please do anything you can.
Twenty Six states and maybe more will likely make this medical procedure outlawed in some way.
If you can please VOTE.
Also go to LizzoLovesYou.comIf I missed anything please comment
Moon's story
RomanceMoon is a trans little, whom gets kicked out by his parents for being gay and trans. Will he find a daddy (or daddy's) to take him in? *WARNING* This story contains BDSM in a Non sexual way (other then some kissing) This story is lgbtq+ It contai...