Chapter 3

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Rose Weasley's POV

I ran as fast as my legs could carry me. You don't know what kind of trouble Albus could get into. Suddenly I stopped. I looked down and saw Albus laying on the floor covered in blood. Next to him was Lily. She had that sad look on her face. The same sad look she had all summer. Lily would never admit it but she loved Albus even if they always I mean ALWAYS fight. Nothing has been the same anymore in the Potter family. Now everyone is depressed. I knelt down besides Al who was barely conscious. He looked at me and started tearing up. Somehow I was involved in this situation.

Lily Luna Potter's POV

My life has to many twists and turns. There in front of my feet was laying my idiot brother who has emotional problems. I was afraid to ask him what it was this time. But what if he wasn't the one who hurt himself. Even though he hurt himself a million times this summer I wouldn't think he would do it on the train. He promised the doctor, he promised mom, and he promised me. Rose and I helped Albus up and took him into a cupboard to talk in private. We did not let Scorpius in. This was a private conversation between brother and sisters. I don't even say Rose is my cousin. She's more like a sister to me. As Albus sat down he began to cry. Great now I have to comfort my big brother and make him tell me something. This is worse than the triwizard tournament dad told me about. Slowly Albus was coming down and beginning to get his thoughts together. I waited for an answer. I was desperate for an explanation.

"Guys, I promised dad that I won't try to hurt myself and I'll try to be okay. Now all I think about it how I failed him and how I failed you guys. Especially you and Rose. I was a horrible brother and cousin. When I was walking trying to think how I can improve this Gryfinndor Evan Wood pushed me on the floor and he with his posey started beating me up. They started Making fun of me how a Potter could be in Slytherein. And now I wonder. Am I really a true Potter?", Albus told us trying not to cry.

I was speechless. Rose was speechless. Albus got up and walked away to Scorpius. Only 10 minutes in the train and the drama has started

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