𝔸 𝕋𝕣𝕚𝕠 𝔹𝕖𝕔𝕠𝕞𝕖𝕤 𝔸 𝔻𝕦𝕠 (𝕄𝕠𝕞𝕒𝕊𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕂𝕒𝕞𝕚)

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(Art and song are not mine)

TW! Character Death!


Hitoshi Shinsou's POV

Denki Kaminari and Hitoshi Shinsou with a few others were out on a mission when a scream could be heard from somewhere nearby.
Denki didn't hesitate to run off in the direction of the scream. Hitoshi decided he would sneak around to the same area, to see if he could sneak attack the villain. Little did he know, it might have been a better idea to go with his boyfriend instead.

After a few moments of Hitoshi sneaking towards the area they heard the scream from, he heard six horrible words.
"Somebody hurry! Denki, he's bleeding out!"
Hitoshi panicked, and in that panic, he came rushing out of his hiding place to see something he wished he could unsee forever.

There, on the ground, laid the usually bubbly blonde boy that was one of the two that held all of Hitoshi's love, covered in blood and unconscious. At his side was Neito Monoma, their other boyfriend.
Hitoshi raced up to the two blondes and crashed onto the cement on the other side of the unconscious boy. Neito looked up, tears streaming down his face.
Hitoshi's breath hitched.
"He's alright, right?" He asked. Neito let out a sob, and shook his head.
"I c-couldn't ge-get to h-him in time" he said, voice cracking.
Hitoshi's face drained off all colors. No, he couldn't be! He has to still be alive! He'll be fine, he has to be. They all promised each other they were going to become heroes and move in with each other and they were so close to graduating and- and.....


Hitoshi was walking to his house when he heard someone behind him.
"Hey! Wait up!"
He stopped and turned around to see a shorter, blonde boy racing up to him. When he had finally caught up to the insomniac, he smiled up at him.
"Uhm, hello?" Hitoshi finally said after awhile.
"Oh, yeah. Hi! I recognized you from the Sports Festival! I think you're really cool by the way!"
Hitoshi just blinked down at him in confusion.
'The cute blonde thinks I'm "cool"? OH MY GOD THE CUTE BLONDE THINKS I'M COOL!'
Hitoshi mentally panicked while the blonde stared up at him in concern.
"Hey, you okay?" he asked eventually.
The insomniac boy blinked, then nodded.
"I didn't catch your name. Mine is Hitoshi Shinsou, in case you were wondering..."
The shorter boy beamed up at the taller one. "I'm Denki Kaminari! It's great to finally know your name!" Denki said still beaming. Hitoshi felt happy around him, and it looked like his plan on 'not making any friends', was failing horribly, because before he knew it, he was hanging out with Denki and his friends more then he wanted to.

Denki was talking about how weird some plants are while Hitoshi was drinking the coffee he had ordered from the café he and the electric blonde were at. He was listening closely, so he wouldn't miss anything.
Eventually, Denki had trailed off to the relationships of his classmates. Apparently, the Todoroki kid and the Deku kid had started dating, and just came out about it.
"Are you dating anyone?" Denki had asked, startling Hitoshi.
"Oh, uhm, no.... But there is someone who I wish I was dating..." He had muttered out the last part of the sentence, but apparently the other boy had heard it.
"Really? Who?" He sounded hopeful, like he was hoping it was someone in particular.
The insomniac panicked. He couldn't just tell the other that the person he wished he was dating was him!
"N-no one...." He ended up mumbling out while looking away.
"Oh come on! At least tell me what they look like!"
"F-fine. They have blonde hair. Happy?" Hitoshi looked back at Denki, to see hope in his eyes as he spoke.
"What's their quirk?"
"Electronic" whispered the insomniac.
"What was that? I couldn't hear you."
Hitoshi sighed before saying it a bit louder. He wasn't looking at Denki anymore.
"Oooh! You already told me you're gay, so it must be a guy. What's he like? I bet he's nice. Do I know him?"
He sighed. He might as well just tell the electric blonde in front of him, that way he can just get it out of the way.
"Yes, you know him. You know him really well. For his personality,mi would say loud, dorky, kind, and bubbly."
Hitoshi heard a small gasp from in front of him.
He glanced over to see that Denki was as bright as Kirishima's hair, and wide eyed.
"A-are you.... Are you saying what I think you're saying?" whispered the bubbly blonde. The insomniac nodded a little, looking away.
"I'm sorry. We can just forget this ever happened," he said as he heard Denki get up from his chair.
Though what surprised him was that Denki grabbed the sides of his face and turned it so that he was looking at Denki.
"Shinsou, we are not going to forget this ever happened because this is the day I'm asking you on a date."
Hitoshi blinked in confusion.
"You heard me. I'm asking you to go on a date with me on Friday at 6:30. Dress casual."
The insomniac smiled, then nodded. "Alright then."
Before the electric blonde left though, he had pressed a small kiss to the insomniac's forehead.

—Memories Over—

When Hitoshi came back to reality, the villain had been captured, an ambulance was there and Neito was shaking him. He blinked, and felt tears streaming down his face.
"Come on, they're taking Denks to the hospital." Neito said, his voice cracking slightly.
Hitoshi didn't have the energy to speak, so he just nodded, and stood up with his boyfriend.

Hours passed before they had been told that Denki wasn't going to make it, and that they could all see him.
Neito went in first, then Kirishima and Bakugo, Deku, Denki's parents, Mina, Sero, and all of his other friends, family members, and classmates. The insomniac was the last one to go in, and only because Neito said he would go with him.
When they got to the room, Hitoshi's heart dropped, and he began to cry again.
The loud blonde was laying on the hospital bed, tubes hooked up to him and still unconscious.
Neito placed a hand on his shoulder, and gave it a reassuring squeeze.
"You don't have to do this if you don't want to."
Hitoshi shook his head and walked to the chair next to Denki and sat down in it, Neito taking the one next to him. He had his hand on the insomniac's knee.
"Uhm, h-hey Love...." Hitoshi started, his voice cracking. "The doctors said that y-you," he paused to take a deep breath, "that you weren't gonna make it, so I'm here to say g-goodbye...." As he said it, he let out a sob, and Neito pulled him into a sideways hug.
"I don't want to say goodbye. Our plan was to graduate then move in with each other so that we could be together. Remember? It was your idea." Hitoshi said while sobbing, not being able to stop anything that fell out of his mouth.
"You said that we were going to be together forever, and that one day, we would be married and have children of our own, and we were going to be a family, all three of us, but now you're here, on this bed, fucking dying. Why can't things be back to normal? Why can't we all just go out on walks and sing stupid songs and make out behind to school again? Is that really too hard to ask?" Hitoshi sobbed and clutched at Denki's unmoving hand.

Denki Kaminari's POV

The unconscious boy opened his eyes to a completely black room. It was as though his eyes were still shut.
He had heard a familiar voice, and that's what had woken him up. It was Neito. He was saying something about how much he hated that their trio would only be a duo now.
Denki was confused. Why would it be a duo now? Was someone leaving? Had something happened? Where was Toshi?
He looked around, hoping to see his boyfriend, but there was nothing but blackness. That's when it all came rushing back to Denki.
Is this the afterworld then? If it is, then why can I hear Nei?
After awhile of silence, Denki wondered if the voice had just been his imagination when a new one came in. It was Kirishima.
Then Bakugo's voice came in when Kirishima started sobbing.
Denki kept hearing the voices of his friends and family, and had come to the conclusion that he was dying, in a hospital, unconscious, and could only hear things.
After what felt like forever of silence, he heard Neito's voice again.
"You don't have to do this if you don't want to."
The only person who hadn't come yet was Toshi, and Denki prayed it was him.
After a few minutes, he heard a pain fulled voice.
"Uhm, h-hey Love."
Denki smiled. It was his other boyfriend, but his smile quickly fell when he realized that Toshi was crying, or holding back tears.
As he spoke, his voice became weaker and weaker, and at one point, he must have gripped onto Denki's hand because he felt something squeezing it tightly.
"I-I should shut up n-now, but b-before I do, j-just know th-that I... l-love you." And with that, it was silent again, then Denki felt nothing.

Welp, uh, that's it!
While writing the last bit of Hitoshi's POV, I had begun to tear up....
Suggestions are welcome! Just no smut, sorry.
Anyway, you all look fabulous today, now goodbye!

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