Long time no see, eh?

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No one's POV.
One evening, Manic meets Scourge sitting under a tree. He looked like he just got beat up, having a bloody nose and a bruised eye. But he seemed just fine, with no sign of pain on his face. He just sits under the shade the tree is giving looking at his worn out gloves, and without even trying, you could see a lot of holes on the clothes his wearing. VERY worn out clothes. Manic was shocked to see Scourge and was even more shocked to see him here and beat up. He decided, after some time of thinking, to walk up to the beat up green hedgehog.

"Um...Sup, Scourge! It's such a surprise to see you here, and especially like this."

Manic says as he walks up to the other green hedgehog on the grass.
Unexpectedly, the bleeding hedgehog jumps in shock and hits his head on the tree bark.


Said hedgehog yells out in pain and starts rubbing the back of his head.
"Whoa! You okay dude? Sorry I startled you." Manic says and kneels down to the poor hedgehog.

"I-it's fine—..."

Scourge stops talking as he looked up and realized who he was talking to.


Scourge yells out in shock.

"Heh, yeah, it's me."

Manic shrugs. "What are you doing out here in such a cold weather? And why do you look so beat up, man?" Manic says as he gets a good look at Scourge.
Scourge has a slight tint of red on his puffy cheeks, which looks like they have dried tears on, a sign he's been crying.


Scourge starts to get nervous and tries to scoot away from Manic who seems to just be staring at him with a worried and also confused face.

"Scourge, dude, what happened to you?"
Manic ask.

"M-Manic, what are you doing here?...I haven't see you since..."
Scourge says still shaken up.

"Well, long time no see, eh?"
This chapter was short as heck, I know. But I have no hopes for this story at all anyway. To anyone reading this, hoped you like it and leave some tips for me because this is my first ever wattpad story. I'll try to make another chapter soon. Bye!

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