First Encounter

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Bakugou's Pov:

It's been 5 years...5 years since I was separated from Todoroki, Kirishima, Deku...My whole class! My parents took me to the United States just to keep me from Todoroki and my friends because they thought UA was a bad influence on me. I hated them, I still do! I swear they will never be forgiven! They literally threw me out for being an Omega and not an Alpha?! How can I just forgive them! Not only did they throw me out they messed up my whole life! They messed up the only thing that actually made me happy. UA was my home! The best home I ever had!

Before moving away my mom broke my phone so I couldn't contact anyone once we got to the states. I was so upset and frustrated to the point I spent around three months in my room alone before my parents forced me to go to a new school.
It wasn't the wasn't UA...I hated going to my new school a lot.
Once when I was online on my computer I received an email from some random account, I thought it was spam. When I read the email I saw it was signed Earphones. 

Instantly after I knew who it was, It was Jirou and she managed to find me how? No idea but I was so happy after reading her email, of course I replied! I told her how I was doing, how I missed them, and about another "situation" I had. She sounded happy in her next reply. She told me both her and Momo were trying to find me together and were happy that they did. They told me they missed me, that class 1A is still a mess, mostly Deku, Kirishima, and...Todoroki. |
They asked me if I wanted them to tell the others they found a way to talk to me but I told them no, I told them I didn't want to risk my parents finding out.

-Present Time-

I was currently back in Japan, I have been staying with both Momo and Jirou who were both married. I was so happy for them. I hated not being able to be at their wedding but I like being reunited with them.

I noticed that while I was in america I stopped acting like an Omega, I was back to acting like an alpha. I wasn't upset about that, the more I acted like an Alpha the more I was left alone by other Alphas. I was back to wearing my hoodies, ripped jeans, and caps.

When I moved in with Momo and Jirou I told them I didn't really want anyone else from 1A to know I was back. I wanted time to settle in and readjust to everything. They respected my wishes and kept me a secret from everyone.

After a month of being back I finally got a good job that I would get paid a lot. I had to work nights, I wasn't afraid of working late, I always kept a taser on me like I did back when my parents kicked me out and I had to work nights then go to school right after.

Everyday I was back in Japan I would hear news about my classmates and how they turned into great heroes. Every time I was at work I would hear someone say one of their names and about something they did early that day. Whenever I heard someone say something about Shoto I would eavesdrop a bit. After being apart from him for five years I kinda...lost feelings for him. I kinda hoped I wouldn't bump into him for another few years, I had some things I didn't want to tell him about just yet. 

Today when I was at work it was an easy day with a few customers but when 4:00am rolled around some guys entered the gas station I worked at. I was working alone today. The person who was supposed to be with me got sick so I sent them home because I didn't want them to get me sick either.

When the three guys entered they walked over in my direction. The next thing I know is there were three barrels to some guns being pointed at my face.

"Alright little one, if you don't want your pretty face to get blown off I'd start stuffing this bag with cash." One of them threatened before tossing a bag at me. I stared at the bag for a few seconds before folding my arms and glaring at the three men.

"First, don't call me little. Second, no. I ain't doing shit for you." I growled out, pissing off the one who gave the order.

The man who threw the bag at me got mad before aggressively grabbing the collar to my shirt and pulling me close to his face.

"Last chance Brat, do as I say!" He snapped but I wasn't scared. I grabbed the wrist to his arm that kept me close before blasting him. The man yelped in pain before letting me go and backing away a bit. "Ouch! You burnt my wrist you little shit! Get him boys!" The man ordered his goons.

After the order was given the other two both tried to grab me. I just smirked and dodged one of the goons before blasting him in the face, just enough to send him flying back into their leader. After sending one of the goons flying the other one backed away before running out the door screaming.

I rolled my eyes when the other goon left, after watching him leave I started looking down at the two knocked out buffoons. I couldn't help but start laughing a bit. I was laughing at the fact that I was out of practice when it came to stopping villains but I took them out in less than five minutes, because of that it was funny to me.

After a few minutes of me laughing my ass off I decided to tie up the two goons before they woke up. While I was tying them up I couldn't help but start laughing again to myself quietly. 


I hear someone say my name, I turned my head over towards the door to see someone, someone I was not ready to see just yet.
Shoto Todoroki...

End of Chapter

Hey guys! I hope you guys liked this chapter, I promise things in this series will be a mixture of cute, fun, and some action!
I hope you guys continue reading this series! Thank you!

Word Count: 1080

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