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I'm sitting in my hotel bathroom wondering why the fuck my life is the way it is. Adding concealer and foundation to my neck was not what I was planning on doing for the next couple of days.

After Harry had aggressively stated that I needed to stay away from him and the band, he left the bathroom. He didn't say anything else or demand an answer from me, he just left. I sat on the club's bathroom counter for a while before ordering an uber and booking it out of there.

I'm a little sad I didn't get Lexi's number, but I was too baffled by what had just happened to go and look for her. My partially drunk mind also didn't like how she left me alone with two guys, not even checking if I needed help. Yeah, I knew the guys, but what if I didn't? Instead of dwelling on it, I rushed past the various people that littered the club's vicinity, trying to get outside with ease. Luckily, once I got outside my uber had arrived and I was out of there quickly.

When I reached the hotel I waved goodbye to my uber driver, having already paid online, and made my way inside. I tried to be as quiet and quick as possible, not wanting to spend much time in the public's eye. I reached my room and did my night care skin routine, brushed my teeth, put some comfy clothes on, and went to bed.

And now here I am. It's around eight in the morning and I'm applying a generous amount of foundation and colour correction to the deep purple bruises that are on my neck. Harry left a huge handmark on me - which makes me look like I've been mauled by something - and there are hickeys littered around my neck.

Niall and Lexi really left a reminder of the previous night.

I huff as I try to make my neck look normal, but it doesn't seem to be working well. I sigh while putting the makeup tools down and turn the bathroom light off, deciding to wear something that covers my neck instead. After checking the weather app I realise that I'm gonna wanna wear something warmer because of the chance of rain.

I choose a sage green turtleneck tucked into a cream high waisted skirt. I add a basic pair of air forces because I have a feeling that I'll be doing a decent amount of walking today. I throw on my necklace and rings before grabbing my purse, phone, and keycard.

I go to the mirror hanging on the wall, do a little twirl, smile at myself, and then make my way out of the hotel room. I glance at the hotel hallway and take in the numerous doors and the elegant paintings that line the walls.

After making it to the elevators I am thankful to see that nobody is in the small space with me. I lean against the elevator wall and watch the numbers decrease as I go to the main floor. Once I make it down I scan the area to see if I recognize anyone. I easily spot Hunter and make my way towards him. I say a small hello and he nods his head in response to me.

"Meet in dressing room two when you arrive at the arena tonight. I need to discuss what you will be doing tonight." Hunter stays looking at his phone while he speaks to me.

I swear this guy is never not on his phone.

I nod my head - even though I know he won't see my action - and ask him what time to be ready for. He tells me that I should meet Ted at the doors around five thirty so that we can arrive at the arena with good timing. Hunter also includes that he won't be riding with me, so to not wait for him.

I smile before I walk away from him, not wanting to stick around for small talk. I go to the front entrance of the hotel but am grabbed by my arm and spun around. Niall smiles and leans in to give me a kiss on the cheek before pulling away and saying hello.

"Wanna get a bite, lovely?" Niall moves his hands from my forearm to interlock our hands.

"I would love to, Ni." I turn towards the door and start pulling him outside. I glance at him and see him smiling at the nickname I decided to give him.

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