Try Me

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Natasha Pov

I woke up and I started to freak out. I was not in my room. I try to remember what happened last but nothing- OH SHIT. I kissed Y/n but how did I end up in here. Nothing happened after the kiss, right? Then my head turned to the side as I see Y/n walking out the bathroom. Please tell me nothing happened. I just wish I can remember. "Finally, I thought you were dead. You've been asleep for a long time. It's literally 1:27." She said as she looked at her watch. I've been asleep for that long, damn. She walks over and sits next to me.

"Come on, just ask the question already." she said. "Wait how did you know?" I said confused on how she know that I wanted to ask something.

"Cause, you look lost as fuck and you're wondering how you got here and why. So ask the question already." Y/n stated.

"Did know...did we?" I ask."You don't remember?" she laughed.

"Remember what?" I asked and she doesn't say anything she just looks at me. "Remember what?" I said wanting to know. She laughs.

"I told you." "Told me what, exactly?" "That you wouldn't remember."

"Remember what?" I asked getting pissed off since she won't tell me.

"Calm down. We didn't do anything, I swear. I had stopped before we went to far." she stated.

"Then why am I still here and not in my room?" I asked her. "After I had stopped us from going to far, you didn't leave you just laid down. You even let me hold you." she tells me.

"Wait! What!?" "You scooted towards me first!" "Yeah, right." "Yep, just like you kissed me first."

"You're the who kissed back." "You started it, and I only kissed back because I didn't want you to feel embarrassed or anything."

"What? So you're telling me that the kiss was a mistake?" I asked and she didn't say anything. "Y/n. Was it?" I asked kind of hurt.

"I- I- no. I don't think it was mistake." "Oh, then can you tell me why you kissed back?" I asked. "Umm no." she said looking away from me.

"What? Why not?" I ask. "Why'd you kiss me?" she asked ignoring my question.

"Answer my question." I said. "Answer mine." she stated. "Why won't you tell me." "Cause you wouldn't want to know." "Try me" I said and she stood and walked to the door.

"Get out." she said and I got up and shut the door then stood in front of her. "Try. Me." "Get. Out." "No. Tell me!" I yelled. "God! You are so stubborn!"

"I want to know!" I yelled mad at her since she won't tell me. "If I tell you you'll get out?" she asked and I nodded.

"Fine! I love you! And I have always been in love with you but you piss me off every! fucking! day! and I still can't stop loving you and I fucking hate that! But when someone loves you, you push them away and never give them a chance, so just leave!" she said.

"B- But love is for children." I say softly, still processing the fact that Y/n just said that she's in love with me.

"Well I guess i'm a child. I guess I always was." she said and left the room.

Clint Pov

It's been weeks and Natasha just wasn't herself. She told me what happened with Y/n. Y/n and I got closer and she knows about my family. I take her there and the kids love her. She's been stressed lately since she told Natasha her feelings towards her, well they both been stressed. They don't even look at each other. They don't even make horrible comments to one another. It's crazy how one conversation can change the relationship of two people even if they hate each other. They barely get out of their room unless it's important. Y/n even asked Tony if she can change train with someone other than Natasha. Y/n keeps telling me that she hates Natasha and that she doesn't love her anymore because she moved on from that. That's a damn lie but they just need a break and they also need to realize that they are in love with each other.

I walk down the hall to Y/n's room and knock on her door. "Hey, Clint."Y/n says as she lets me in. "Hey Y/n/n (your nickname)" I say.

"What's up?" she asked. "Well, i'm going to go see my family tomorrow and I wanted to ask if you want to come."

"Yeah, sure. I can't wait to see my little monsters." she joked and I laughed. "I also want to see Nathaniel since he was just born." "Yeah, he's a little cutie." "I bet he is."

"Alright, I'll see tomorrow. We'll leave at 10:00 a.m." "Ok." "Alright, bye Y/n/n." "Bye Clint." she said and I left to go to Natasha's room.

I got there and knocked on the door. "Hey Clint. What's up." "Nothing, i'm just bored." I stated.

"Yeah same. I would go somewhere but i'm to lazy to move." she said and she sounds stressed out and tired.

"Go somewhere, really? It's 11:00 o'clock at night and you're taking about going somewhere."

"I just want to clear my head, you know. It's been weeks and she hasn't even said a word to me."

"Are you dumb?" I said. "What!?" Natasha asked confused. "You're the one who stopped talking to her. You don't look at her. You don't even try to speak to her and if you're thinking that she's the one to talk first then you're wrong. She literally admitted her feelings to you and you shut her out. You at least could've told her how you feel about her. It would've cleared up some tension, you know." I said.

"Yeah, you're right." she said and I smiled. "Oh, but that doesn't mean i'll talk to her." she stated and my smile dropped then she started to laugh.

"What you doing tomorrow?" she asked me. "To go see my family." "Oooo can I come. I want to see Nathaniel." "Yeah, of course you can come. It's just that-." "Just what?"

"Y/n is coming so if you want to go you're gonna to have be around her." I said. "Oh, it's fine as long as I get to see my little cuties." "Ok, great."

"Alright, i'm gonna pack so i'll see you tomorrow." "Ok, we leave at 10:00 a.m. Bye Nat." "Bye."

I leave her room and head to my own. I then change to lazy to take a shower since it's very late. I put on some tv to help me go to sleep. I then doze off forgetting to tell Y/n that Natasha is now coming with us on our little trip.



Thank you guys for 200+ reads. I really do appreciate it, thank you so much🥰. love you🫶🏽

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