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Except for the cold brush of the melting snow outside, everything is fine, if fine defines the unusually deafening silence of the room. Kaminari, who was previously slumped lifeless in his seat, jolts into attention at the door rolling open, but evidently disappointed seeing it only had been him, with an audible huff he dives back into his desk. Todoroki rolls the door close behind him subtly studying the people present in passing.

Mineta is eyeing him with a dissatisfied frown, his arms crossed, which of course he easily ignored. Sato sits with weary eyes garnering another layer of bags, yawning every so often. Todoroki is impressed by how he manages to stay on the clock after hours of working with the girls last night. Kirishima flashes him a brisk grin, fingers tapping restlessly on his desk. Iida's seat, although with the engine hero's bag in it, is nowhere to be seen. He assumes it must be for a quick homeroom meeting with Aizawa.

Todoroki can feel their eyes close in his back as he took his assigned seat on the far back, situating with a confident sigh, noting Tokoyami whose beak is buried in a book. Todoroki looks up to the class, at the same time heads snap quickly forward.

He sighs.

With the amount of time and expenditures the girls selflessly squandered for the occasion, these boys still didn't even have the faith to believe in those girls.

Heavy steps resonated from the halls yet none seems to look forward to seeing who might it be. Expecting the battle-ready countenance of Bakugou crashing the threshold with much energy. Basking in the gloomy, cold silence of the room, he spits an audible 'tch' to the sorry faces already sitting in the room, before marching to his seat, dragging the swivel chair and plopping in it. Rummaging for his earphones and isolated himself from the eerie silence, blasting some rock tunes, loud enough that Todoroki could even hear from his proximity.

The door rolls again head snapping in unison to the new entry which sadly is only Midoriya, crossing the room with a quivering smile. Kaminari appears ever so disgruntled.

Eventually, more heads arrived, but not one belong to the girls yet. Todoroki began to wonder where the creation girl was. He begins to think that maybe exhaustion caught up with the girl and that she probably missed her alarm. Unknowingly, his fingers began to tap, uneasily as seconds went, dreading the next form that is about to invade the room. The tapping has grown into incessant drumming that even Tokoyami noticed, looking up from his book and throwing him a rather questioning gaze before dipping his eyes into his book.

He calmed for a beat. Until the chirping voices of Hagakure and Ashido rang excitedly beyond closed doors. The door eventually is pulled to open, alerting every concerning figure in the room.

"Happy Valentine's everyone!" Hagakure chirps, digging from a fancy bag and brightening the faces of the anticipating boys, taking out bonbons wrapped in clear plastic bags.

"Kiri!" Ashido beams, with a box in hand, "Heads up!" she warns, tossing it at the said boy who caught it in one hand.

"Thanks! Ashido!"

"Don't sweat it!" she winks, grabbing another and placing it on Bakugou's desk. Fearlessly tugging the earphones out, "Happy Valentine's, bakubro!"

Ashido laughs out the vicious sneer the blond gives her and went her way distributing the chocolates they wholeheartedly made last night. Skipping Midoriya, Kaminari, and him.

"Hey, Ashido!" Kaminari whines, "I thought we were friends? Where's mine?" His pouting face rests atop his chair?"

"You've just to wait for Kyou-chan to get over her tsun-"

"Mina!" the door slams open, showing said heroine who most likely had been standing outside all along.

Ashido sticks out her tongue and easily replaced the mischief glowing in her eyes, suddenly becoming Miss goody two shoes as she handed Sato his chocolate. To which the other received with a smile.

"Jirou!" the blond glows brightly, "You have my choc-"

The rest of his sentence cuts into an abrupt stop as Jirou unceremoniously smooshed a nice-looking box wrapped in golden trimmings to his face. Quite violent, if Shouto may think. But that is just what makes Kaminari and Jirou's dynamic unique. The blond catches it halfway to his chest as it plunges.

"Happy Valentine's Day, Jamming-yey!" she hastily spats in the hopes no one catches, cheeks bright red as a tomato as she slumps next to Kaminari.

"Thanks, Jirou! I know I can always count on you!" he says radiantly, to the girl's deepening color. "This is nicely wrapped by the way!" enthusiastically unfurling the wraps, gasping immediately at the content, "Wow! I hope I can restrain myself from finishing it before the day ends! They look so tasty!"

"Can you just shut it!" Jirou exclaims, abashed, burying her face in her palms.

"Why though?..."

Everything dissolves into a muffled exchange as he looked forward, plagued with hope over something so trivial, yet, isn't frivolity a theme for subjectivity. He drops his gaze. Clenches a fistful. His left palm was sweaty and shaking. In actuality, he doesn't know.

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