part 1

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The first words I ever wrote about him were: 'He's immature, spoiled, loud, arrogant rude and endlessly pitiful'. I don't think I was entirely wrong, yet I now hope to be.

He was all of those things but those words were not everything he was. I can still remember our first meeting clearly. It was mid autumn when I first walked into the coffee shop down the street. I walked in with damp hair and my worn out uniform draping over my body, pitifully heading to the counter ording a large cup of ice americano. Just as I was about to leave I bumped into somebody, I bumped into him. I could feel the soft fabric of his white t shirt brushing against my check as I crashed into his broad chest.

"Are you okay" Those words still linger in my head whenever I think about him. His voice was soft only kindness and worry laced in it.

I raised my head and followed the sound,
it was at that moment I saw his face. He was beautiful, he had large eyes which looked down at me making my heart stop. His every feature was perfect you would wonder if he was moulded by hand just like a statue, he did look like one. All of that was topped with locks of long fluffy brown hair that went down to around his neck. He was new for sure, I had never seen anyone in this town quite like him.

"Y-yeah, I'm okay" I whispered eyes large roaming over every corner of his face.

"Ugh watch where your going" I can still picture the way my face dropped that day as I was pushed to the side as if nothing happened. It was so weird, how could someone's demeanor change so quickly. This time his voice was laced with nothing but arrogance and rudeness. Yet I didn't say anything I just starred angrily fist tightening, as he walked away heading towards the counter.
🌸: First chapter finished! Please comment and feel free to give feedback.

If you couldn't already tell everything is written in beomgyus perspective (he is the one narrating), the next few chapters will be set in the past (still in beomgyus perspective).

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2022 ⏰

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