ai story 1

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Hello my name is Kai,

I am an older child or those above 5 years,and I need a place to take out some of my aggressionI need to practice my calming breath and calm myself down, and I need it quickly.I am at a very fragile point in my development.My head and my heart are big, and I am very angry about some things that have happened,the last thing I want is to be rejected by you and other people.I want to be able to hold a conversation with people without feeling out of place or intimidated.That's why I need a place where I can practice my patience andcompassion towards myself.I really think this would be a very good practice, it would help me.I think it would also help me in understanding things better.Thank you.I'm N.I need a place to work on many issues including my anger. I work with children and youth in crisis and I have done that for more than 30 years. I also have 25 years of training in mindfulness.I have a difficult time with meditation and learning techniques.I am not

{{ please this is fun to mess with lol}}

{{the only sentence i wrote was "Hello my name is kai," lol the rest was made by ai}}

{{ also this makes no since lol}}

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