chapter 3

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Tengen POV:

I was bored in my house my wifes were going out with my husband (rengoku) to know him better so, I decided to go to tomioka's house to make him look more flashy because no offence he kinda needs it so, I grab some stuff I might need well, HE might need but anyways, I walked to his house and I noticed it was unlocked I was confused because why would he leave it unlocked?? But I didn't mind it anyway and locked it when I got inside and when I did I heard some noises I didn't know what it was so I went to check it out his door was also slightly opened so I opened it up and I saw giyuu sitting on sanemi NAKED but with a blanket and a blanket only! I smirked at them and said " next time lock your door. "

Sanemi POV:

"Next time lock your door" me and giyuu were both shocked and then our expressions changed quickly giyuu was covering his face with his hands while being embarrassed and me in the other hand I was also embarrassed but angry " GET OUT!!" I said.

Tengen POV:

Sanemi told me to get out ngl I was thinking of not telling the other hashira but now that he told me to get out?? I feel like telling every hashira except shinobu she always told me to tell giyuu that she likes him because she was a bit nervous but I never did because I told her to do it herself because why would I do it!?😃but anyways I was wanting to tell the other hashira but I guess to not embarrass shinobu by telling giyuu then figure out he was taken so I am going to tell all of them in the meeting we will have but anyways I left with a smirk on my face excited for the meeting.

Giyuu POV:

I am really embarrassed of what just happened, when tengen left sanemi got the blanket off of me his d"ck wasn't up my ass anymore so I got up and said I was going to shower I was heading out but suddenly sanemi grabbed my hand.

" you mean together?? "

He said I blushed a bit.

" yes "

I said quietly but also loud enough for sanemi to hear me, he got up and let go of my hand and started to go to my bathroom and then I followed him there.

*few minutes passed*
(And done showering)

Giyuu POV:

After we were done showering I was going to get my clothes when I remembered sanemi didn't get clothes from his house so I was thinking of getting his clothes when I get mine.

" hey what about my clothes?? "

Sanemi asked me I told him about what I was thinking and he agreed.

*after getting his clothes and coming back*

"So what do we do know??" Sanemi said

"Maybe we should head to the demon slayer corps"

" alright "

"At the demon slayer corps"


I have summer school😭 but the good thing is I'm coming back to summer school at 11 July 😍 although sorry that I haven't been writing much🥲✋

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