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"I swear, there's more of them every time." 

Standing out on the sidewalk, the group waited for their bus to come, most of them yawning. 

"Hyunjin, be grateful. They came here to see us." The leader kindly scolded, his brown eyes watching the other.

"I am grateful, but I'm also tired." The Hwang sighed, massaging his hands. "I've never written more in my entire life."

Jisung watched the interaction, and couldn't help but be sympathetic. He loved getting to meet fans, but the long hours, plus their early morning had taken a toll on him. Sleep beckoned him, and he wasn't about to turn down the offer. 

The rapper watched in satisfaction as a familiar vehicle barreled down the road. It stopped with a hiss in front of them, doors opening.

It was a race then.

All eight men moved towards the opening, some faster than others.

Jisung happened to be closer to the van, so he didn't have to hurry too much. With heavy steps, he made his way through the car and to the back, his eyes closing as soon as his body hit the seat.


He couldn't help but smile at the thought of getting his well-deserved rest. Usually he listened to music while he napped on the ride, but the location of his headphones had eluded him for the past week. He wasn't usually the type to lose things, but that's exactly what had happened here. He didn't care too much though, he was still looking forward to a quiet, uninterrupted ride.

Stretching out his legs, Jisung couldn't help his slight agitation when he felt someone sitting beside him. It was no matter, he would just ignore them.

"How was it talking to the fans for you?"

However valiant his efforts were, Jisung didn't want to be rude. He gave up, looking to the youngest boy next to him.

"It was fine, Jeongin." Giving the other a polite smile, Jisung looked for a way out of this conversation. "What about you?"

"Good!" The youngest grinned, his gaze far away. Even though he was only talking to one person, his voice carried through the whole vehicle. "It was great getting to see everyone."

The rapper nodded, thinking that would be the end of the conversation, but he was wrong.

"You know, I heard the best joke today!"

Jeongin kept talking, but by that point, Jisung was no longer there. It was rude to ask the boy to move, and he couldn't just get up and leave, but how else was he going to get his rest? It was a long trip back to the dormitories, and he sure didn't want to spend that time with pointless chatter.

His body ached, he had woken up early that morning to practice and it was now coming back to bite him. Although his exhaustion was obvious, but the younger was too busy to notice. Jeongin was apparently in a talkative mood, and couldn't wait to have this conversation later at a more opportune time.

"Jeongin, trade me spots."

Both idols looked up to the voice, and Jisung couldn't help but internally cheer. As the visitor wasn't talking to him, the rapper's eyes moved to the seat in front of him, pretending that he wasn't eavesdropping at all.

"Why?" The boy was suspicious to say the least.

Despite the man talking to Jeongin, Jisung could feel a certain unwavering cat-like gaze on him. "Hyunjin is driving me crazy and I don't want to go to jail."

After taking a moment to consider it, the youngest eventually grabbed his bag with a chuckle. "Alright."

The boy gave Jisung a nod before moving to another row of seats, leaving the two alone.

Wordlessly the new seatmate set his belongings down. Taking the now empty seat, the man couldn't help but snicker, catching the other's attention. 

"Thank you, Minho." The rapper whispered, afraid of whoever was in earshot. 

"I really didn't think he'd give up that easily." The Lee smirked, head leaned back. He smiled at Jisung, surveying his sunken face and dark eyes. "Now enjoy your nap."

Never appreciating the older more than this moment, the rapper nodded, getting comfortable and closing his eyes. The sounds of muted conversations in the van and cars passing by acted as a soundtrack as he drifted off again, the AC cooling him down. 

"Where are your headphones?"

"What?" Jisung had just dozed off, and wasn't sure if he was the intended recipient of that question. 

"Your headphones." Minho could see the other's confusion, but it only made him smile. "You always listen to music when you sleep in the car, but today you're not. Why?"

He was surprised that the older knew that fact, but chose not to think much of it. Jisung shrugged. "I lost them."

"Oh." The Lee's mouth formed the letter as he spoke it. He gave the younger a smile, small but sincere. "Well, goodnight."

Jisung nodded, internally amused. He knew the older felt bad about waking him up, but somehow he didn't really mind. 

Out of all the members, Jisung had the most unique relationship with Minho. He felt as if the other six were his brothers, but it was different with the Lee. Jisung couldn't quite explain it. They had known each other for years now, and had gotten pretty well acquainted at this point.

Although Minho wasn't the best communicator, he spoke in other ways. Quieter, subtler ways that one had to know him for a while to notice. He was very observant, Jisung had noticed that. It bothered other people, but it was one of the rapper's favorite qualities. He could always tell when the man was feeling down, or even when he just needed a good nap.

Hearing nothing else from the next seat, Jisung allowed himself to close his eyes once again. He hoped that this time it would last, but he should have known better. 

Feeling a hesitant tap on his arm, Jisung chuckled. "You're almost as bad as Jeongin."

"I'm sorry!" Minho laughed, pleased to see that the younger surprisingly wasn't mad. "I just wanted to see if you wanted to listen to music with me."

He held his hand out, a headphone resting on his palm. "I just figured since you don't have yours, but nevermind, forget I asked."

"No, Minho." Jisung grabbed the older's retreating hand. Seeing he surprised the other man, he lowered his voice. "I would love to, thank you."

Realizing he was still holding tight to the older's wrist, Jisung quickly let go, wasting no time as he put the headphone in.

He was unsure of what he was about to hear since they were listening off Minho's phone, but to his surprise, he recognized the tune.

"Hey!" He turned to see the older already looking at him. "I love this song."

Minho gave him a smile. "Me too."

Now having everything he needed, Jisung felt his eyes closing again. With good, quiet company close by and nice music in his ears, he smiled. "Goodnight, Minho."

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