Alpha's Instincts

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When the rest of the girls got home, everything was very quiet, Momo was locked in her room and although Nayeon and Sana tried to get her out with food and some sweets, they were unsuccessful

In Tzuyu's case, it was similar, Dahyun had no idea what happened, but Chaeyoung and Tzuyu were very quiet, she understood Tzuyu, but Chae is not like that

Nayeon and Sana were getting worried so they went to their leader's apartment to see if she had any idea about what was going on

Jihyo welcomed them with a worried face and that didn't help calm their nerves at all, they sat on the sofa and Jihyo flopped down in front of them, trying to find the right way to reveal what had just happened

"Girls, I want all of us to have the information of the suppressors we use, that way we will avoid many problems" Nayeon and Sana looked at her very strangely

"That is something very intimate Jihyo, why are you asking us this suddenly?" 

Jihyo let out a sigh, this was much harder than it seemed

"Tzuyu went into heat a few hours ago" Nayeon and Sana were shocked

"What happened!? Did she forgot her suppressors?"  Jihyo nodded slowly

"Yes, I think she forgot to buy them, also her cycle is very irregular, sometimes it changes from the beginning of the month, to the middle or to the end, it was an accident, it wasn't her intention" Sana and Nayeon were still confused

"So?, what happened..."

"Momo helped her"

Silence filled the room, the brains of both trying to catch up, while the word "help" was translated

Suddenly Nayeon jumped to her feet, now everything made sense

"Now I understand why Momo is locked up, she must feel guilty"

"And how is Tzuyu?" 

"I'm still not sure, neither of them wants to talk about it, and I'm really not sure what I want to hear, it's very complicated, but apparently Tzuyu isn't upset, just confused by everything that happened"

Jihyo clutched her hands on her head, this is the problem of being the leader of a group

Nayeon and Sana patted her on the back trying to provide comfort

"Don't worry, you have to give them a little space, but we have to stay alert"

"Besides, you have to make them understand that there's nothing wrong with what they did, it's a natural act"

"I know, I just hope that things get better soon"

"Things are going to get better Ji, you'll see"


Fortunately for Jihyo and the rest of the group, things were almost back to normal

The only thing that changed was the dynamic between Tzuyu and Momo, now they were both much more embarrassing than they already were, they couldn't make eye contact without blushing, if they came into physical contact for any reason, it seemed like each other's body was on fire, their interactions were very embarrassing, like two awkward teenagers in high school

But hey, progress was progress, at least they weren't ignoring or fighting each other

"What do you think about a camp?"  They were all gathered at JeongJiMi's apartment

"I think it's great!, what do you think girls?"  Chaeyoung joined in with her Unnie's enthusiasm

"Sounds good to me, maybe a change of scenery would be good" Momo expressed calmly

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