When it all happened

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"do I really have to invite the dude?" said steve. "Steve love, just do it."
Said Nancy. Steve walked into another room and hit the dial button on Billy's contact.
meanwhile with billy
"who the fuck is calling me?" said billy
max passed him the phone saying "It's Steve."
billy froze for a few seconds. He grabbed the phone and answered.
"Hello?" Said Steve,  "what the hell you want." Billy replied
"Jeez, your invited to my party."
"Alright thanks I'll be there." Billy hung up and max spoke
"Can I go to the party?" billy looked at her and spoke
"No, just hang out with your friends." He said. Max sighed and walked to her room.
Billy arrived at the party drinking tons and tons.

Steve was walking out of the bathroom till he bumped into billy. Billy spoke "hey pretty boy" he said. "Billy shut up." Said steve.
billy then dragged steve into a room and locked it.
Steve yelled "what the hell man?!".
Billy grabbed Steve's thighs.
"Let's see what the king Steve has to offer"
He chuckled.
A few hours later and they are still at it, billys phone falls onto the bed and Steve dials max on accident.
With max
"Oh Billy's calling?" Max said
"Answer it" said Lucas
Max answered and put it on speaker
From the phone
"Billy stop.. please.. it hurts" Steve said
"shut up already." Said billy
there's moaning for a few minutes and billy realizes.
"Fuck!" He'd grab the phone and speak
"Max?! MAX. "
Max hung up
billy stood up
Steve sat up.
"She already knows. Just leave it like that.
billy looked at Steve and got on top of him.
"You better be ready because I'm not holding back. " said billy kissing Steve's neck.
The next morning.

Steve got up and put his clothes on he looked at billy and spoke
"Billy? Billy wake up"
billy opened his eyes to see Steve standing there without a shirt.
Billy sat up.
"What the fuck happened." He said
Steve pointed to the hickeys on his neck.
"Does this explain it?" He said
"Did we?.." billy said
Steve nodded
billy grabbed Steve
"Don't tell anyone."
Then he got up changed kissed Steve and left to go home
Billy walked in to his father waiting at the door his father spoke
"I see you had fun billy." He spoke
"what do you want." Said billy
"Oh nothing I just want you to explain this."
he showed billy photos of him kissing Steve's neck
"Where did you.." said billy
his dad grabbed him by the arm and started beating him.
max walked out to all the yelling.
"DAD STOP! STOP IT !" Max said while charging at her dad.
her dad hit her and she fell on the ground and billy snapped.
he'd grab max and a bat pointing it at his father.
"Stay away from my fucking sister." Billy said then hitting his dad in the head with the baseball bat dropping it hugging max tightly.
Max hugged back and spoke "I support you."
Billy texted Steve if he could pick them up and he did then they arrived at his house
billy got into a tight hug with Steve
Max spoke "I'll go somewhere else" said max and left.

A few minutes later
Steve laid his head in Billys lap
billy stroke his fingers through Steve's hair
The boys walked in and screamed out
"HI STEV-..."
billy looked at them and spoke
"The fuck are you doing here?"
Steve got up and looked at them
The boys started laughing
"NO WAY YOU FELL FOR THIS GUY?" Dustin taunted
billy spoke dragging Steve onto his lap
"Yeah what about it? Mad you can't get any men or women?"
They got quiet
Lucas stepped up and spoke
"Can y'all kiss for the camera?"
He said while recording them.
billy grabbed Steve's chin turned his face to his and kissed him
They all gasped
Billy wrapped his arms around steve and they just didn't stop kissing.
billy broke the kiss
"Why are you disgusted??" Said billy
Dustin froze and spoke
"Nah be who u are for ur pride, just yk don't be any type of loud?"
Billy laughed
"Y'all get out"
Said Steve
the boys left and billy grabbed Steve by his lower hip and pulled him in for a kiss
Steve spoke "billy stopp "
"I don't think I can, with a face likes yours"
He pulled him onto his lap and grabbed him by the waist started kissing his neck.
Steve spoke "billy...the kids are gonna catch us again.." he said.
Billy slid his hands up Steve's shirt And said
"Who cares, it's about time they learn."
Steve pulled away and spoke
"we need something to at least drown out the noises we make."
Billy turned on the radio and put it on max volume.
"There." He continued to run his hands up and down on Steve's hips

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