Loft bed

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Word count: 4055

Richie's room was nice. Messy, unorganized, but nice.

He has a loft bed, just high enough up that you could stand beneath it, only not straight up. You might have to bend your neck a little. There were guard rails on each of the long sides, but not the spaces for the head and feet, for some reason. It didn't have a fitted sheet, and it was far from made. There was just a pillow and a messy blanket splayed out across it. It was put in a corner of his room, so the top and side of his bed were against a wall. 

He also had strung up lights. There were small, ball-shaped bulbs that faded and swapped places slowly. They left a yellow-y light in the room. It was dim, but bright enough that you could see every corner and the things that decorated his walls. Posters, mostly. Some pictures of him and the Losers. Drawings of superheroes and such. 

Beneath his bed, he had a bean bag chair in the corner between the walls, and a small desk by the foot of it. Paper, homework, old dishes and colored pencils were strewn across it. Messy. It was fitting. 

At the end of his bed, but not underneath, he kept two laundry baskets. One was full of his clean clothes that he never put away, and the other was dirty clothes. There wasn't much space at the end of his bed, so they were pretty out of the way. 

He had a bookshelf filled with VHS tapes, comics, and books he had to have for school. On top of it he kept a small tv, VHS player, and cassette player. He couldn't really pile crap onto it, because there was no room. The losers often came to his house for movie nights, since he was one of the only of them who had his own VHS.  

There were messy piles of stuff everywhere, an obvious attempt at cleaning, and the room smelled exactly how you'd expect a teenage boy's room to smell. 

Despite the fact that it was messy, and gross, Eddie loved hanging out in Richie's room. When his mom allowed it, that was. She had gotten pretty strict after he broke his arm. It was a miracle he was still allowed to hang out with the losers in the first place. 

Currently, Eddie took over Richie's bed. Richie himself was just below on the bean bag. There was music playing in the background. Richie's own mixtape. Neither were saying much, just relaxing in each other's company. Reading. Some of the other losers would be coming along soon, but at the moment they were alone. 

Richie was humming along quietly to the music. Eddie couldn't help but listen, straining his ears to hear him. He felt content. Days like this, they were always good ones. When he and Richie could just spend time together. not arguing. (Although, Eddie would be lying if he said he didn't secretly enjoy that sometimes, too. Bickering over stupid things. It was just what he and Richie did.)

"Hey, Eds, we're doing Shakespeare in school. Right?"

Eddie let out an, 'mhmm' in reply. 

"Do you wanna partner up for the project? The teacher said we could, if we wanted to act out a scene or something. I think I'd make a great actor."

Eddie sighed, "we can, if you want. I'm not really much of an actor, though. Do you have a way of getting the scenes?"

"Yeah, actually!" Richie replied. "I have the script for 'Romeo and Juliet' , my mom had it for some reason. Said I could use it."

"Oh, no, no, no. Do you know how much fuel that'd give people to make fun of us more? No. "

"Oh, come on, Eds! It'll be fun. Look, we even have the perfect way to practice the balcony scene."

"Richie, I swear to god, don't-"

He heard shuffling underneath the bed, before it shook a little as Richie began to climb up the ladder. Eddie groaned. 

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