movies (tophat x gps)

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omg movies

proofread 100 times
(tophats pov)

gps still wasn't back. he said he would be here like, 20 minutes ago. you sat down on the couch again and looked at your phone, looking to see if they had sent you anything since the last time you checked. you were growing impatient. when will he be home?! you asked yourself for the hundredth time. you decided that you'd rest. you probably wouldn't fall asleep before he got home, anyways. you put your phone up and laid back down, looking for something else to watch on the tv. you looked through different channels but you couldn't find anything else interesting on at the moment, so you just put it back on what you were watching before. you stared at the tv for a couple of minutes before your eyes grew tired and you decided to close them. it didn't take long before you slowly drifted off to sleep, but was unable to actually fall asleep due to the loudness of the tv. you wanted to leave the tv on so that gps could see when he walked into the house but no matter how many times you changed positions to look in the other direction or turned the volume down it still annoyed you. "whatever, serves him right for taking so long anyways.." you thought to yourself as you turned off the tv and set the remote back onto the table.

you began to feel more comfortable and got in a position where it was easier to sleep. you slowly felt your mind drift off into literal nothingness as you fell asleep.

about 10 minutes later, gps stood outside of the door. laying the groceries down, he grabbed the keys and struggled to unlock the door for a moment before managing to get it open. when they noticed how dark it is, they felt embarrassed thinking he might've woke you up, but started to feel more comfort when he noticed that you were sound asleep on the couch. they grabbed their phone and turned on the flashlight as he carried the groceries in,shutting the door behind him before setting them on the table. he turned on the lamp beside of you hoping you wouldn't wake up, but it woke you up immediately. he felt embarrassed and asked you if you were okay.

you told him you were fine and began to question why he took so long.

"the line inside of the grocery store was really long. i had left my phone in the car, so i wasn't really able to text you. i thought about going to the car to text you, but i knew that would just make it take longer so i didn't. i hope you aren't upset at me."

"i'm not upset at you, i was just a little worried." you replied, making them feel less nervous.

they smiled back at you. "y-yeah, i understand. but hey, i got you your favorite snacks and i thought maybe we could have a movie night.. i know it's late, but..."

you felt excited at the idea. you were still tired, but you figured it would be fine. "yeah, we can do that, sounds fun!" you replied, smiling back at him.

"great, i'll go get the food then." he said excitedly, walking towards the kitchen.

you watched as they took the poptarts out of the grocery bag and began to open it, taking a pack out of the box. he grabbed one of the packets and opened it, setting two of them on a plate. he went to grab another one of the grocery bags and realized you were looking at him. he giggled and you looked away, embarrassed. you decided to stop staring and you went to connect the tv to the movie console. meanwhile, gps was still in the kitchen getting the food together. you managed to find a movie that you guys would both like and sat back on the couch, leaving it on pause. you grabbed your phone as you waited for gps to come back.

gps came back, setting down a plate with pop tarts, cookies, chips, and pretzels. you stared at it excitedly, and he smiled at your reaction. he walked away and you gave them a sad look.

"are you not going to watch it with me?" you asked him, frowning.

he smiled and began giggling. "of course i am, i am just some more stuff."

you put your phone up and watched them as they grabbed a cup from off of the counter. he gently carried it back, setting it on the table. you looked at it and smiled. he had made you strawberry milk!!!

they grabbed the blanket and sat down before covering both of you up, setting the food and strawberry milk beside him. you let them take the pillow, since you'd rather lay on him anyways. you unpaused the movie and laid on him as they wrapped their arm around you. you felt sheer comfort overwhelm you, not even focusing on the movie. he took a sip out of the strawberry milk, and you wanted some too. you asked them for some and they happily obliged. you were expecting him to just hand it to you, but instead, they held it for you. you blushed as you realized what he wanted you to do, and you took a sip out of the strawberry milk. you giggled as he put it back and laid back on him. he wrapped his arm back around you, and began eating some chips as they watched the movie. you looked up at him before leaning closer to him and beginning to fall asleep. he had only assumed you were getting sleepy, considering how excited you were earlier. but no, you were falling asleep already. they looked down at you, blushing as they started ignoring what was happening in the movie and began falling asleep instead.

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