Quackity x Schlatt ( Fluff )

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The sun was shining over Manburg, a beautiful golden and yellow sunshine went over all of the land, a few shadows casting over the ground below. The sunshine complimented the green grass, and the lights, little candles placed around. Quackity was sat on the edge of the podium, looking out over the land, as he hummed a soft tune to himself. He had gotten upset and frustrated with his job, so he was taking a little break from the work since it stressed him out, his wings flapped gently as he looked around more. His eyes finally landed on Schlatt and Tubbo, who seemed to be talking and enjoying the evening together, bonding. Quackity just watched, wishing that he could go down there and join in, but, since he had no idea what the two of them were doing he didnt want to intrude on anything, even if it was small talk. He sighed softly, running his hand through his black hair, though, it falls right back into his face. Q huffs softly at the fact that it went back down into his face.

He finally got up and threw back on his hat, by the time that he got up he couldn't see either of the men that he has seen a bit ago. Quackity held his head down, accidently knocking into Schlatt. He shuffled back a little and looked up to be met with Schlatt's eyes. " I'm sorry about that " The black haired boy chuckled out. " Not an issue, darling. " Schlatt spoke coldly, but with love, as he has a tough time expressing his love for the duckling. " I didn't mean to knock into you " Quackity whined out, " Like I said, it's alright my love. " Schlatt said before kissing his ducklings forehead softly and taking the ravenettes hand in his.

" I missed you today " The duck whispered rubbing the knuckles on Schlatt's hand, along with rubbing his marriage, and engagement ring, with caution, not wanting to do anything that he would be upset or uncomfortable with, the fact that the boy has always tried to do it with the other so it came in ease with him trying to make this husband more comfortable in a loving situation. " I missed you too, I saw you up there, I was worried about you. You looked upset. " , " Just, work, stress, needed a little break is all. " They both exchanged words, and Schlatt took Quackity's face in his other hand, carefully, not to make Q jump or scared, and softly placed his lips on the others, Q could taste cigarettes and alcohol on his partners mouth, when that taste was on his partner it made him feel comfortable, and welcome, it made him feel like he was trusted, for some reason.

Schlatt pulled away from the ravenette and pecked his lips once before opening his mouth to speak again, " That was very nice, thank you Hun, I wish I could do that more often to you. " Q giggled and rested his head on the other, the horned man then took his scarred hand up to the others hat, and removed it gently, and put it off to the side, returning his hand and running it through his black hair, admiring the other boy, his soft, and loveable husband, his duckling. Possessive thoughts were running through Schaltt's head, as Quackity rested on him, so very close to each other, they both have craved one another's touch all day long, so it was finally nice to have it. He finally let them get the best of him and the brunette leaned down and whispered in the others ear, " You're mine. All mine, you'll always be my beautiful husband. " Schlatt was still running his fingers through Quackity's hair.

Q giggled at the comment from his husband, and nodded his head in agreement. Compliments and affections from one another felt saccharine, they made both of each other feel special and sweet, they make one another feel so, amazing. " I love you so much Schlatt " , Quackity said slowly pulling on the others tie to get all of his attention. " I love you too darling, I always will love you, endlessly. " The horned man said softly kissing the top of his husbands head, they were so focused on one another, nothing else around them matter right now, they just needed affection from each other, and to never have this moment end.

Finally Schlatt took the other by the hand and started walking with him, " We're gonna go somewhere, alright? " , the brown haired man stated, Quackity nodded when Schlatt was looking at him to agree to go with hm where ever they were going together. After a little while Schlatt has stopped at a pond. By this time it was darker, the sun was pretty much set. Quackity looked around taking all of the around scene in. The moon rising reflected on the water, the soft ripples in the water, flowers, they were moving in the soft cold breeze, trees, they we're so many but there was one beautiful cherry bloom tree, and taller grass, and little lights in the air, perhaps a bug, but he didn't pay too much attention to it. Schlatt hugged him from behind, and rubbed the others stomach. " It's beautiful here, just like you. " Schlatt said kissing the back of the boys head. Quackity chuckled, " Not as much as you " He said slightly dumbfounded. They both looked still, over everything how beautiful it was, feeling the soft heartbeats of one another in the quiet, and closed off space from the rest of the area, the moon was rising more, and more, every minute.

They both sat down and Quackity laid against Schlatt again, the silence felt calming and normal, the sound of bugs and water to be heard, so it wasn't 100 % quiet. The black haired duckling yawned, and Schlatt gently patted his back. " Are you tired, sleepy boy? " The horned man asked softly, Q nodded and pushed his face more into the other after to get comfortable. " Do you wanna go home love? " Schlatt asked another question, wanting to understand what the other wanted, and what he needed, as he was waiting for an answer, he looked to the sky, stars, moon, it was so beautiful, a shooting star crossed over the sky, and he jokingly in his head made a wish. " Mm, tired, can we go home please? " Q mumbled into his partners chest, Schlatt chuckled, and nodded. He picked his small boyfriend up bridal style, and started carrying him home, he loved to pick the other up, it made him feel strong and like he had power, it made him comfortable, he loved the size difference, how small Quackity was to him, how tall and bigger he was to Quackity, they both felt like they we're two pieces of a puzzle that fit together, no matter what way you put them. 

They finally reached the white house, because they ended up staying in there, they had a nice room to stay in, it was red, and black, with a mix of white, and light grey. They both loved the way their room looked so much, for both of them it was comfortable, and a very nice place to stay. Schlatt walked up the stairs with his husband, finally reaching to door to their room. He reached into his pocket and took out a key for the door, they had to take safety into consideration for the both of them, as they didn't want anyone in their room that wasn't the pair.
He unlocked the door and opened it, still having Quackity in his hand, his eyes darted over to their bed, and he went over there and sat his boyfriend down. " There you go. " Schlatt said, smiling at the other. " Thank you " Q mumbled into the blanket that he had picked up to cover himself because he was a little bit cold due to it being closer to the winter time, instead of the summer. Schlatt looked around to make sure the room was in the state they had left it in, posters, lights, and little nic-nacks around the room. They had a desk where some of the work that the pair had to do was pilled. " I'm gonna go have a shower, and then ill come back out to you and cuddle with you, unless you wanna join me? " Schlatt offered, and informed the youngest of the two. Quackity nodded and smiled. " I'll think about joining you as long as the water in the shower is warm, and not cold. I am way too cold right now to be taking a cold shower. " He said, the ram nodded. " It won't be cold, you know that I prefer my showers much warmer then a lot of people do. " Schlatt turned for the other way, heading to the washroom that they had there, he went in and looked over at the mirror, it had became a sort of habit to look at himself in the mirror. So, he did. Basic horns, a bit bigger then normal rams, and a suit, which was going to be a bit of a pian to get off, since he had a lot of things to take off and get undone.

He finally got everything off and turned on the shower, until it was the right temperature, and how he liked it. He nodded to himself in approval. And opened the glass door, and got in, it had already fogged up a little bit so in a way there was no use in trying to look out of it. The bathroom door open a little bit, and Quackity stepped, in also removing what he was wearing and he knocked and opened the shower door, and stepped inside, he smiled softly. " There you are, get all clean with me and we can head to bed together, alright? " Schlatt stated, and Quackity hugged him and he grabbed the things he needed to wash himself, and he did, they we're in there for a little while washing themself, the occasional time to stop and steal a kiss from the others lips. They both finally got out and grabbed towels, Schlatt was the first to them, and threw one over his husband head, " Hey! That's rude. " Q huffed, joking of course. They both dried themself off, looking in the mirror to make sure they had everything as they wanted, they finally walked back out and went over to their dressers, and got on comfortable clothes, Q was wearing comfortable pants, that were black and they had little duck wings on them, along with an over sized black shirt. And, Schlatt was wearing boxers, and a t-shirt, the normal stuff they would wear when they would go to bed, or get relaxed in bed, Schlatt quickly checked and locked to door so they could sleep peacefully, he also shut off the main bedroom light. 

They both looked at eachother, and they ran over to the bed and jumped in,  Quackity being the first in as he was the closest jumped into Schlatt's arms basically and got all comfortable in them, snuggling up to the love of his life, the body heat, and the warmth of the blankets was all perfect to the both of them, they cuddles, and said soft and little words to one another, and then Schlatt turned off the lights that he could leaving the bathroom light on and the door open, they hadn't changed it since they left the bathroom, for Q. Quackity reached up and cupped his husbands face and left soft kisses all along his jaw line and nose, and just his face in general, it was so nice to be able to sit down and relax together, it's the best part of their day together, other then the cute little dates that they sometimes go on together. Finally after a little bit of talking and affection, Schlatt has managed to convince Quackity that it was time for the both of them to go to bed and say goodnight, and wake up together in the morning, and with that, they both had hte eyes closed for a little bit, nothing but the sound of a box fan coming from around them, after about 15 minutes laying in bed, Schlatt was on the verge of falling asleep and his husbands couldn't seem to get to sleep, the duckling opened his eyes and looked up at his half asleep ram. He kissed his neck softly, and worked his way down to the others collar bone with soft kisses. Q sat back again, closing his eyes, and relaxing with each other, finally falling asleep in one another's arms. 

In the morning to black haired boy started to wake up and he went to go reach up to poke or touch his partner, and he wasn't there. The duckling opened his eyes looking around their room, his eyes darted around a little bit upset that the other wasn't there in the morning to spend time with him, but just as he was thinking that his husband walked back in with breakfast for him and Q, just some morning breakfast in bed, kind of thing, he places the plate down on his husbands lap, leaving a little kiss on his forehead, nice and soft and gentle. Q has got eggs, bacon, toast, and other stuff like that, it looked very nice and tasty, very appealing to the eye. He picked up a little bit of bacon and put it in his mouth with a soft crunch, not too much crunch not too little, he liked it a lot, they both dug in and had their morning meal. Schlatt took both of their dirty plates, and put them to the side, and pulled his boyfriend closer to him, kissing him softly on the lips and rubbing his sides, and hips, " You're so beautiful, mi vida. " Schlatt said to the boy in front of him, the duckling got visibly flustered at the Spanish pet name from the other, due to the fact that it was his first language. The ram laughed at the other being flustered, and placed a soft kiss to his cheek.

Quackity was so in love with the man in front of him, and wouldn't give up him for anything, he was all Q could ask for, and the man he wanted a family and life with forever. They stayed in a embrace for a while just the two of them, soft and gentle with one another, in their comfortable bed, with blankets wrapped around the both of them. Quackity, had accidently passed out on his husbands chest, Schlatt gently not to wake the other up ran his hands through his hair, and pet him pretty much until he wakes up, turns out he wasn't gonna wake up for a long time now and Schlatt ended up resting his head on the others head, falling asleep with him, they we're taking a nap having dreams, resting and being with each other, and they both loved it more then anything, they both loved eachother more then anything ever.

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