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Steve was still trying to flirt with the customers while Robin and I listened. "Aurora?" Robin asked. "Yeah?" I asked back. "Do you want to watch a movie, I got two tickets for 'The Goonies' my friend was meant to come but ditched me." Robin said. "Uh yeah I'd love to." I said smiling at her. "Great." She said smiling. She grabbed my hand, and we began walking out of Scoops. "Hey where are you guys going." Steve asked. "We're going to watch a movie. Make sure we won't get robbed, behave." Robin said to Steve. Steve said something but we were to far to understand him.

We walked in the movie theater and Robin gave the worker the tickets. We then went to the snack stand to get popcorn. "Can I get a medium popcorn and a Coke." Robin said to the lady. "Aurora what do you want?" "I'll take a Coke as well." I said to Robin. "Make that two Cokes." Robin said to the lady. We payed and got are popcorn and drinks. We walked in where the movie was playing and sat in our seats.
"Do you think Scoops is in flames right now?" I whispered to Robin as the movie began. "It's probably in crisps by now." Robin whispered laughing.

As the movie was half way through I felt something warm hold my hand. I looked down and scene Robin's hand. I looked up at her as she was focused on the movie. "Is this okay?" She asked whispering not to disturb anyone. "Yeah." I said nervous. 

The movie was over, we got up from are seats and began walking out. As we were leaving I seen someone familiar it was my ex and she was with a guy. I began looking down so she didn't see me. "Are you okay?" Robin  asked whispering to me as she let go of my hand noticing something was wrong. "Yeah it's just my ex is over there." I said looking up at her. "Oh." Robin said. "Yeah." I said looking back down. "Want to make him jealous." Robin asked with a devilish grin. "Her." I corrected. "Oh, well want to make her jealous then?" She asked again with a grin painted all over her face. "Sure." I smirked back. As soon as I finished my sentence Robin smashed her lips onto mine.

She leaned away smirking still. We both turned to see if my ex seen and she started storming away as we turned twords her. We both looked back eachother and started laughing. She reached out her hand and I gave  her a high five.

We walked back in Scoops laughing. "What's so funny?" Steve asked us as we walked behind the counter. "It's nothing." I said calming down. "I'm surprised Scoops isn't to the ground by now." Robin said. "Shut up I was working my ass off while you guys watched a movie. It's your guys turns." Steve said handing us scoopers and he went to the back. Robin and I looked at eachother and let out another giggle.

Sense there was no customer coming in we all made ice cream cones and went to the back. "I can't believe you guys left me all alone." Steve said pouting. "Aw does little Steveie not like being alone." Robin said sarcastically. "Shut up." Steve said. "Ora want to try my ice cream?" Steve asked. "Sure." I said. He held out his ice cream cone for me to get some but as I leaned closed he moved it so I got ice cream on my face. "Your mean." I pouted. "Payback for leaving me in the middle of our shift." Steve said. "It was worth it." I shrugged.

Robin grabbed me a tissue to wipe the ice cream off. "Thanks." I said grabbing it from her hand and wiping the ice cream off the best I could. "Is it off?" I asked Turing twords Robin. "Uh there's  still a little bit can I see the tissue." She asked I nodded holding out the tissue. She took it and wiped my face. "There." She said smiling.

The Scoops Ahoy Girl [RobinBuckleyxOc]Where stories live. Discover now