Chapter 17

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After about ten minutes into the movie Britten's phone started dinging like crazy. She started looking at the messages and giggling. Alex looked at her and she laughed even harder. "What?"



She wiggled her fingers at him. "Come here." He climbed up over her then partially laid down on her. She turned on her camera but before she could snap the picture they heard, "Get the fuck off my wife!"

They both looked over at Orion standing in the doorway. Britten had never seen him look so pissed. "What the hell is your problem," Alex asked as he got up off of Britten. "You, you are my problem," Orion said as he moved closer to Alex.

"How am I your problem, I haven't done a damn thing to you."

"You think I'm stupid, that I don't know your intentions? But, you are wrong. So I'm only going to tell you this once. Stay the fuck away from my wife!"

"You're right about one thing, you are stupid." Orion went up to Alex and shoved him. "Orion, stop," Britten yelled as she got up from the couch. "Don't start Orion," Alex said as he pushed him away.

"I see the way you look at her, the way you touch her," Orion said as he shoved Alex again. Alex pushed him away again. "Seriously Orion, stop. I don't want to hurt you. Quit being an ass and come to your senses. There is nothing going on."

"Stop it," Britten yelled again as Orion tried to hit Alex. Alex blocked it and spun Orion around then gave him a little shove.

Manny and James came to the doorway to see what was going on and Britten put herself between Orion and Alex to stop them. Orion balled his hand into a fist and spun around to punch Alex in the face, but what he didn't realize was that Britten was there.

Instead of making contact with Alex, his fist hit Britten in the face. She did a little spin and smacked the floor face first. Orion's eyes went wide. Alex stood there completely shocked and James pushed Manny out of the room before everyone found out about how he really felt about Britten and killed Orion.

Manny fought against James and started cussing at him in Spanish. James struggled but kept Manny back. "Manny, stop. Think about this."

"Get the fuck out of my way James."

"No, I'm not going to let you do this."

Manny pulled his fist back to hit James. James held his arms up to block the blow, but all of a sudden something in Manny clicked. He lowered his arm and un-balled his fist. James slowly put his arms down. "Sorry James."

"You okay Mi Amigo?" Manny sighed. "I need to go check on her." James just stared. "I won't touch him," Manny said and moved past him. James followed him back to the family room just to make sure.

Orion was on his knees holding Britten's shoulders and lightly shaking her. "Orion, don't shake her." He stopped and looked at Manny. Manny went over and knelt down next to her. He felt down her spine and felt around her neck. "Let's turn her over, careful with her head."

Orion helped Manny turn her over. Her face was already swollen where Orion had hit her. "James, there's a first aid kit in the office, will you grab some smelling salts please." When James didn't answer Manny looked back for him and saw that he was already gone.

Manny looked back at Britten and sighed. He started feeling around on her face and Orion quickly asked, "What are you doing?"

"Seeing if anything is broke."

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