Chapter 30

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Today is moving day! Life has been really crazy since Cody and I decided to purchase this place together. Originally, he was planning on just a place for himself, but right before he signed the final paperwork we discussed moving in. He wanted me to feel like this place was mine as much as his so both of our names went on the sale and the title. I even ended up putting some of my own savings down for the down payment. Cody insisted he would do it, but I needed some of my money to be involved in the home for it to feel like my own.

Cody learned a long time ago that I was a stubborn, independent woman, so he didn’t fight back too much. While Cody and Dalton were busy over at the inn getting the moving pod moved from there to the house, I was with my parents and Hayes finishing the packing up of this condo. Dad had a truck that could hold a decent amount of boxes and we’d put what we could in my car and Mom’s. The move would require a few trips and probably wouldn’t be completed today, but that was okay. I didn’t need much to be comfortable in the new place.

“Blair, where did you put the stack of newspaper to wrap dishes with?” My mom called from the kitchen while I was packing things in the living room up.

“There in here. How much do you need?”

“Oh, I don’t know, just bring me half.”

I stopped packing away the boxes and grabbed the stack for my mom. She was on the step stool getting all of the wine glasses down that I hadn’t used in a really long time, it was crystalware gifted to us for our wedding. I snickered when I saw it, remembering back to my reaction when I opened it, to begin with. “What’s so funny?”

“Did you know these were a wedding gift from Coach and Mrs. Hanson?” Coach Hanson was Cody’s high school baseball coach. He was one of the few non-family members that we invited to our wedding all those years ago. Unfortunately, he passed away about five years after our wedding. Mrs. Hanson was now living in a nursing home a few towns over.

“They gave you wine glasses for a wedding gift?” My mom snickers, just as amused as I am. 

“That’s what Cody and I thought too. Not only could we not drink, but I was pregnant. I’m not sure why they thought wine glasses, expensive crystal wine glasses especially, were a good idea for our wedding gift.”

“Have you ever used them?”

“No, but I know they’re expensive and I can’t handle getting rid of expensive things.”

“Like mother, like daughter,” she laughed. “Maybe you can use them more in your new fancy house with the fancy wine you have an all-access pass to.”

“Mother, are you jealous of my access to the Bishop Family Wine Cellar?”

“Of course I’m jealous!” She exclaimed. “I imagined it was going to be the best part about you being married to Cody.”

“Geez, Mom.”

“Oh stop, I’m just teasing you.” She climbed down the step stool and together we started to wrap and pack the glasses. “On a serious note, is there anything you want to share with me about future plans with Cody?”

“No. Why do you ask?”

“You’re moving in together, I’m just curious if I should expect wedding bells anytime soon.”

“Geez, Mom,” I try to play her question off, but I can tell my cheeks are blushing and it wouldn’t matter anyway, she can always see right through me. “Cody and I are dating, we’re…re-kindling…so to speak. I’m not sure if marriage is ever going to be something we look into again.”

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