The beginning

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It was May 19th 2033 just an ordinary day. It was just Ray and Norman outside together. when Ray asked a question which was uncommon for him although he was only a small child, he'd been wanting to ask this question for a while now but he didn't know who to ask. So he'd asked none other than his best friend Norman. The question he just had to ask was "should i tell my secret?" Norman had a very hard time answering this question so instead he asked a question of his own "What kind of secret?" Ray decided to give a vague answer and just say that it was a big secret. Norman asked a another question feeling like he needed more Information to give an answer "who are you telling?" "mom.." Ray said just loud enough for Noman to hear him. Norman thought for a bit and decided it's a secret you shouldn't tell secrets especially to someone who isn't your best friend. this was a hard decision seeing as he trusted her with his life but hey she's not his best friend he was. Ray was confused he'd thought Norman would tell him to tell her. He sat with that confusion for a few minutes then asked if he could tell Norman something. Norman gladly said yes with the biggest smile on his face. Ray was a little jittery but he really needed to tell someone about this. So He told Norman all about his memories from the time he was born including how their so called 'mom' was feeding them to demons, Ray waited for a response until it didn't seem like he was getting one. At first Norman didn't believe him there was no way that mama would want to hurt them right. Norman was upset he knew Ray wouldn't lie to him but he thought he knew mom wouldn't either.

After a while Norman came to terms with it, he got curious and really wanted to see what happened at the gate unlike Ray who was a scaredy cat. Norman knew they had to keep this secret from everyone. He was worried about the others, He asked what Ray had planned to do about it. He explained about how he originally planned to help out from the inside by telling mom about his memories but he had no idea where to go from here, Ray continued with telling Norman how bad it could get if he'd actually went along with that plan.  Norman thought maybe  they could tell Emma, she was another top scorer he thought she'd be a great associate but Ray wasnt fond of the idea. More than just him and Norman knowing about the farm? That was a straight up no from him. Ray decided to state the obvious "would you want her childhood to be ruined if we mess up?" Norman didn't like the idea after Ray said that but he didn't want Emma to die either so they came to an agreement they'll show her once she's older and Norman could go with her so that curiosity of his didn't get the best of him. From there they started building their million dollar plan.

Time skip

Norman and Ray were in the library together. Ray was going on and on about how this shouldn't be happening and how horrible he is all because Conny, the sweet loveable 6 year old was going to be  "adopted"  in less than 2 hours. This had been the fifth six year old this year and this upset Ray . He was pretty sensitive to small kids being shipped they would've lived so much longer, they could've had a long life ahead of them. He felt sorry for them. Ray decided now was the time to go through with the plan the oldest kids in the house were eleven and he couldn't stand seeing another kid die especially if it were one of his best friends. Norman was extremely excited he had never seen a demon before and he's been waiting for this day for five years. For years he's practiced his acting. He was pretty good at it too. It was finally time to put his found talent to work. After Conny said her goodbyes Norman went to go get Little bunny from the secret room him and Norman had found not that long ago. he put Little bunny up on the counter so when Emma, Gilda and Don came back from going to get cleaning supplies they would find it. In all honesty he was supposed to be putting the smaller kids to bed but tonight was special so Ray was doing that for him. A bit after Emma and Gilda start cleaning they find Little bunny "look it's little bunny!" Ray had just finished Norman's chore, He came out at just the right time 'they just found it that was fast' Ray goes on to say that Conny shouldn't have left yet so they could go get it to her if the ran fast enough. He suggested that Norman go with Emma and there they went. Gilda and Don continued to clean while Ray went up to the window in the library. He was happy that they get to live months past their due dates but he was still sad his friends had to see that.  the same thing he had to see a demon holding a dead child looking at it as if it were food.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2022 ⏰

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