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In every persons life, there are moments that are important. Days where your life changes completely. We all have them. But it's only when you look back at those days that you realise how important they are, you know? Living in the moment, you never see it for what it is. I know I didn't. People have asked me if I knew my life had changed. No. I had no idea, I never saw that crash as the before and after point of my life. Maybe because  I didn't realise how bad it all was. When I got out of that car, I knew I was banged up and I knew that car would never be fixed, but I counted myself lucky. Thank God, I can still stand. Thank God, there was no one walking there. Of course, that was before I knew my buddy hadn't made it, you know? I think I would never have thanked God if I had known that from the start. 

I remember looking into the car, I remember calling his name, and he never responded. But I wasn't panicking yet, I was just figuring out how to get him out of there you know? I knew his side was more damaged so I was thinking ok, I can maybe drag him out this side, when the explosion happened. It threw me back, away from the car, and I don't remember much after that. I woke up hurting all over with an aloe vera plant poking in my nostril, I wasn't even at the crash site anymore. I didn't really know where the hell I was or why I was in so much more pain. But I gotta tell you, I still didn't realise how significant it was. See, officially I was in a morgue when I woke up, media had declared me dead and people were hanging shoes in trees to honor my memory. Of all the things that came "after" those shoes were the weirdest to me you know? Brand new shoes. I never really got the significance of that because I liked it best when I was barefoot so best I can make of it, is that people were telling me to put some shoes on post mortem. I hope some homeless people at least got their hands on those. 

But I suppose I better start at the beginning if you and I are going to make sense of this you know? And the beginning of the story was in a place called the Bahamas with a girl I had been waiting to meet a long time.

Only you can save me part 2 (A Paul Walker fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now