Season 1 Episode 1 Prologue- This Episode Ends Happily

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*ring* *ring* *ring*. **snooreeee** *ring* *ring* *ring*



"VENNIE BROWN PEGION, WAKE UP" I opened my eyes. The sound of my alarm echoed throughout my room as my mom screams my full name.

"WHAT!!!" I yell back.

"IT'S TIME FOR SCHOOL" She was downstairs in the bathroom under me yelling trying to wake me up. I tap the dismiss button to turn off my phone and got up from my bed. I started to get dressed but then I heard a buzz from my phone. I grabbed my phone and checked it. I had 4 new notifications and they're mostly from my friends. One from a group chat I'm in, two are from TikTok, and one was from some random number that tried to call me. I swiped all the notifications and opened the group chat. It was one of my best friends, Grey:

--------------------------------------------School Group Chat---------------------------------------------------

"Are you guys excited for freshmen year?" Grey said

**I started typing**

"no" I replied

"Why not?"

"cause no"


Let me introduce the group as they speak. Grey is my werewolf best friend. He came from and was raised by a whole pack of actual wolves. It's not like it was a crossbreed thing because that would be weird to include in this story. He was born as a werewolf from birth, and the doctor doesn't know how it happened. His human parents didn't want a "monster" near them so they tossed him in the woods, where he was then found by a hybrid pack of wolves and other werewolves who were rejected by their parents. I first met him when he came to our school in 6th grade and quickly learned that he learns quickly. You would expect someone who was raised by animals to be at most moderate knowledge but nope. English, Math, and Science were subjects that he learned quickly, and history... he hates history. When he first came I remember he growled at the history teacher, which either means he was very happy or very upset, you can guess which one it was.


School Group Chat

"I agree with Ven, I'm not excited because I'm going to be boring being away from you guys

😔 " Meelo said

" we're going to miss you a lot :(" Grey replied

"Yeah, I'm really going to miss you :,(" I typed.


Meelo is my Pegasus childhood best friend. We've been friends since basic diapers. We sure have had our troubles but me and they are like sisters and we consider each other like that. If I need something, then she would always be there for me and vice versa. We first became friends from m. This kid named Dixie Jenkins started to bully Meelo on the pretty dress she was wearing, and I felt really bad so after Meelo was alone and not around dixie, and she plotted revenge and we snipped off her hair when it was nap time. We may have gotten expelled from kindergarten that day, but it was worth it because that day I made a friend... who sadly moved away. She didn't move far, but she is still away from me. She was once like 2 blocks away from me, and we would go over to each other's house basically every day. Now she's in a whole different town, meaning they are going to a whole different school, which I'll see her less frequently which... idk makes me feel distant.

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