Guitar Hero: Prussia x Reader xAustria {Drabble}

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You did not really know how such a thing had begun, nor did you understand the outcome of such events and your eyebrows drew together in an attempt to comprehend such a thing.

Originally, you had been the one to suggest the game of Guitar Hero to your two Germanic friends because you had been rather bored. The hot summer sun had been drifting through the windows lazily and you had wished to do something more with your time than stare at the ornate ceiling of the mansion your friends inhabited. So, you had suggested playing your favorite game, one you knew they both would enjoy: Guitar Hero.

Gilbert had jumped to the challenge immediately, willing to show off his 'mad' guitar skills, but Roderich had been hesitant. He had complained that rock was not music; it was a crime against humanity and should not be endorsed by playing a low rate video game. That had irked you a little bit; nobody called your video games low rate and got away with it. So you had issued an ultimatum, a challenge.

You were aware of the growing affection that both boys felt towards you; you yourself had been obtuse to the fact, but your friend Elizabeta had set you straight. So you gave them an offer neither of them could turn down: an afternoon with you. And to sweeten the deal, you offered an afternoon at the beach with you. Neither of them had seen you in a swimsuit since the eighth grade swim meet and that had been a few years ago. Obviously, Roderich rose to the challenge and Prussia grinned wickedly - his victory imminent.

With great zeal, both men made their way downstairs to the dark and cool basement - where the entertainment room was. Gilbert blasted the speakers to full volume as he played 'Livin' on a Prayer' on the highest level possible - his fingers no more than blurs across the plastic fret of the game's guitar. He had handed off the practically smoking piece of plastic to Roderich, who eyed the device like it was some sort of foreign anomaly. Gilbert snickered - you elbowed him in the ribs.

As the terms of the deal went, Roderich had to play the same song as Gilbert on the same level - the poor man had no chance. The song began and you watched your friend play, nervousness mounting with each note. He was doing it, he really was doing it! His fingers moved along the fret with ease and at one point he closed his eyes to savour the sound of the music - an expression of bliss etched into his features. Gilbert was no longer snickering or smirking, he was gawking and sweating.

The results came in and you could not believe your eyes. Roderich had completely smoked your albino friend. Roderich passed the plastic guitar into Gilbert's hands; the Prussian could say nothing - shock rendering him lame. His brown eyes twinkling with delight as he walked past you, pausing to whisper something into your ear:

"Might want to get your swimsuit ready Liebe."

Your face broke out into a smile; oh things had just gotten a million times more interesting.

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