A New Start: Part One

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It's been two years since Dillon been out in the world or even used his abilities to help anyone, including himself. Its a nice day out but he has locked him self away in his basement tinkering with his tools and watering plants that are not growing. The thought is constantly rushing in his head, the sight of his wife Astrara and friend Alloy being killed by the Demon Identical. A News Clip from a reporter gives a Two Year update on the event and also talks about the sudden vanishing in sightings of Dillon Mathews.

"Oh Shut it." Dillon Says as he shuts his laptop. He gets back to working on a Coin Ring with his Hydraulic Press. A slight sound behind him catches him off guard. He turns to see no one behind him. Feeling like something is off he teleports out of the chair he is in to get out of sight. Shortly after a Figure walks over to the Chair.

"Dillon... you and I both know you don't need a Hydraulic Press to make these." He says. Dillon recognizing the voice instantly projects his voice into his head.

"Alloy?" He then warps back behind his old friend.

"How is this possible, I saw your body. I have seen everything that thing has done when it merged with me."

"I honestly cant explain it to you but we do need to get you out of this little cave of yours. I have some big news for you." Alloy informs as he is looking at the Ring Dillon is working on.

"You should sell those.".

Alloy and Dillon both leave Dillon's home and go to there favorite place to get away from the Town, The Brown Woods.

Walking down the path Alloy finally gives Dillon the news,

"So Dillon, we both know how screwed up everything has gotten right?"

"Definitely, but we have to learn to deal with it."

"That's just it though, what if I told you we don't and I know how we can bring back anyone that we have lost and change things back to the way things used to be." They both stop. Dillon thinks for a second.

"You mean to say that we can bring Astrara back?"


"But how, what do we need to do."

"With the Stone of Light and Dark, all we need to do is wish it and it will happen." Dillon remembers that name...The Stone of Light and Dark. Bad memories only flood his mind. He remembers a great fight between him and Clyde. an image if him chocking him in anger.

"That cannot truly be what you are looking for, Clyde killed almost all of us searching for that." 

"It is somewhere here in Maine, Located at the last place the Old One saw. If you Join me Ill show you, But I need your help. Think about it tonight." Ill see you in the morning."

(The Intro to the Show Plays)

It is a silent dark night, prefect for a walk. Astrara Matthews, a very young looking women dressed slightly hipster with her hat on backwards, in a white tee and high tops cause that was her favorite style many years ago. Staring down at her from behind the fence. As she walks closer to the stair case I start slowly walking down to her getting ready to strike. She see me and turns the other way in fear running. distracting her I teleport just out of sight causing her to stop and turn around. When she turns around I lunge towards her and grab her by the neck and it snaps causing her body to fall.

I quickly Jolt awake, It was a Dream..but it was so real. It was, it was a Memory of when The Identical was part of me and its memories merged with mine. Fast images of me dragging her body and me walking towards Alloy before he died go throw my head. My phone begins to ring. Looking at it the name says Alloy on it, I forgot about us going to talk. Answering the Phone apologizing.

"Sorry man I had a memory again from The Identical Demon from before he merged with me. I watched Astarara and you die again. I'm fine, Ill be there soon."

Dillon slips his jacket on and instantly teleports away, re-appearing in the brown woods. looking around nobody is there.

"Al where are you!"

A flash of light from behind and Alloy appears from behind.

"Right here man, you ready to go. I know where to go I just can't go there, I'll explain why when we get there."

Dillon walks up to Alloy and grabs his shoulder. Closing his eyes he concentrates on the location. Flashes of a river appear in his head.

"You're making a mistake." A voice whispers.

"Ignore them, it's just a protection so no mortals cant show up and mess with the flow of reality." Alloy says. Dillon continues to concentrate even though he knows something is off. Soon everything goes dark.

"You shouldn't have brought him here." The voice says.

Everything is shrouded in Darkness. Slowly everything starts to fade in, A river with a very rocky bed is revealed.

"Al, Where are we?" Dillon asks while looking around.

"Exactly where I need to be... This is where the Stone of Darkness and Light is." Closing his eyes he begins to concentrate."

"What are you doing?"

"Shush. I'm trying to find it." Alloy snaps.

More whispers begin to talk in Dillon's head warning him.

"Get him out of here, he can not hold the Stone." It says. Dillon looks at his friend.

"Why do these voices not trust you? what is going on here?" Alloy's eyes open back up and he looks over at a pile of rocks.

"I have found it." approaching the pile there seems to be a small wooden chest. Inside there is a purple gemstone.

"Wait, I don't know if I trust this." Another Whisper echo's in his mind.

"Look in his mind." it says. Alloy quickly looks at Dillon.

"Don't you dare, I I've got nothing to hide." Dillon warps in front of Alloy placing his hand on his head forcing his mind to be projected into his. An image of his friend laying on the ground being choked by a figure in a Red Hood is seen. The Figure looks over at Dillon, Its Alloy's face looking back at him. snapping back out of it he lets go of Alloy.

Alloy begins to smile cynically.

"Oh Dillon, Your Friend is truly dead. You have brought me to the very item to rid the world of beings like you." Before Dillon could attack The Evil Alloy he raises his hand towards Dillon and causes him to have a loud ring in his ears and pain course in his head.

"No! you have to fight him Al!"

"Al is gone Dillon. It's only me left...Remember me? You let my brother die!"

"Clyde?! you were imprisoned after the war."

"Ding Ding Ding! I'll be seeing you... Dillon." Clyde closes his hand making a fist causing Dillon to faint. Everything goes to black.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2022 ⏰

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