★・・・Name: "Poppy. Poppy Gallagher. Don't pronounce the second G. Galla-ger. God, it drives me insane. It's Galla-her!" (Poppy Gallagher.)
★・・・Nickname: "Nickname? I guess you could use Pops. Although, I have been called Firebug a lot, I thought it was a nice term of endearment but it turns out it was actually another term for an arsonist. Heh." (Pops, Gallagher when she's in trouble, Firebug came from the fact that she almost burned down the town hall when she was ten after knocking a candle over during a nativity play.)
★・・・Age: "Nineteen. I think. I mean I look it, right? Wait what if I was swapped at birth-" (Yep. Nineteen.)
★・・・Gender: "Female. I used to have a bowl cut as a kid that made me look like a little boy but- I'm getting off track again aren't I?" (Female.)
★・・・Sexuality: "Geez, the cops would ask less questions than this. Wait, what are you writing down?!" (Pansexual.)
★・・・Species: Poppy puffed out her cheeks and shrugged her shoulders. (She's very much so a human.)
★・・・Personality: "Oh man, everyone says I talk too much but I just get a little carried away sometimes." (Good luck getting Poppy to shut up. Most people keep their thoughts to themselves, but not Poppy. She can't help her big mouth, and talks to disperse any anxieties she has hanging around. She's a naturally curious person, constantly asking questions about who, what, when, why or how. She's also a bit of a klutz, and extremely accident prone. Seriously. Wrap this girl up in bubble wrap. Despite this, she's a very lovable girl with a certain charm to her that she doesn't even realise she possesses. Poppy has a patient nature about her, and she's usually quite relaxed. She's quite happy-go-lucky and definitely has golden retriever energy. She's more likely to get on your nerves than you are to get on hers, so if she's angry with you, it's for a good reason. Poppy prefers to keep out of trouble to stay in everyone's good books, but it's quite hard to do so when trouble is usually not far behind her.)
★・・・Appearance: (Poppy is 5'4)
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★・・・Likes: (If there's one thing that Poppy loves, it's hot weather. She thrives in warm temperatures, something about the sunshine keeps her in a constant good mood. Poppy really enjoys taking care of herself in a bid to relax and de-stress, whether it be taking care of her hair, skin or nails. When she's feeling stressed you can usually find her carrying out a ten-step skincare routine, braiding her freshly-washed hair into two neat braids or simply painting her nails her favourite colour (which is definitely lilac.) She also likes to take care of others too, so if you're feeling stressed, be assured that Poppy won't rest until she's slathered moisturiser across your face. Be warned that if your hair is long, that shīt will be getting braided. Another thing Poppy adores is the ocean. Having grown up next to it as a young child in Juniper Bay, she has fond memories of swimming, surfing and sitting on the sandy beach, watching the waves crash onto the shore. When she moved to the small town of Rosemary Creek at age twelve, the closest she got to that was a lake. She's over the moon to be back by the ocean in Juniper Bay now. Poppy likes reading comic books, playing checkers with her dad, and exploring places she shouldn't be in her spare time.)