Where Am I?

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Roman had awoken, with his vision incredibly hazy. He was completely unaware of where he was and had a hard time grasping his surroundings. Then, in his ear lingered a faint talking. The language they were speaking wasn't English. Roman tried to listen closer and could make out roughly that they were speaking Chinese. Roman didn't understand a word of Chinese, so the whole thing felt like a fever dream to him. There was a voice of a man saying, "该计划对徐先生奏效. 我们手中有罗马字." This meant, "The plan has worked, Mr Xu. We have Roman in our hands." But obviously, Roman wasn't aware of this due to his ability to understand Chinese.

“你好, 罗曼.”, said Chris Xu, the owner of Shein.
"What?", said Roman still trying to get a proper understanding of what was happening.
"You'll find out soon.", said Chris in a slightly menacing voice.
"WHERE AM I", shouted Roman desperately.
"Save your energy for later, you'll need it.", said Chris. Roman tried his hardest to get up but eventually realised he was tied down. The room was unsettling. The light was yellow and had bugs swarming it. Rust was everywhere. There was a white banner on the wall with red text that read, “我为Shein献出我的生命. 我宣誓效忠Shein. 我会努力工作, 按照我的吩咐去做. 我的生命归功于Shein. 我存在的目的是为Shein服务, 它是忠诚的客户.”
This meant, "I give my life up for Shein. I pledge allegiance to Shein. I will work hard and do as I am told. I owe my life to Shein. I exist to serve Shein and its loyal customers."

"IF I'M NOT TOLD WHERE I AM RIGHT THIS INSTANT I WILL CALL THE POLICE.", said Roman crying and shouting thinking about the worst possibilities.
"You're so brave, it's funny. The fact that you think you have any power in this situation, is kind of sad. But I'm not here to feel bad for you.", said Chris Xu in an assertive tone.

Roman was untied and 2 men grabbed him with no remorse and dragged him out of the dingy room he was in. Once those doors opened, Roman was completely shocked as to what he saw next...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2022 ⏰

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