[Petty Criminal]

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"Something to laugh about."
--Kim Rok Soo


"How much do you really need?" Cale grumbled discontentedly, the rhythm his feet created spoke of how impatiently he was waiting. The mud splash was even a little thicker than the last time Rok Soo had left the young master at the foot of the hill.

Rok Soo put his finger on his chin, thinking a little. "About 7 more bags, I think."

At least it takes 3-4 times back and forth again if each carrying 1 bag of bread.

"If that damn tree needs food can we give it some fruit? There aren't many bakeries in town with that much stock."

Cale was definitely right, if they wanted to finish this job as quickly as possible, the food alternatives would definitely be effective.

Finishing his mental calculations, Rok Soo divided their tasks.

"Then let's finish, I'm a bit cold," Cale said as he rubbed his goosebumps arm.

It is undeniable that the weather is a bit bad today, as long as Rok Soo looks up at the horizon there are only dark clouds that slowly form giant cumulonimbus clouds, maybe it will rain in a while.

"Cale, can you bring two bags with you?"

Cale gave him a confused look, before turning his gaze to what Rok Soo was paying attention to. A slight frown colored his expression which slowly turned serious.

"I will try."

They parted ways into the city as such, in a bit of a rush as time seemed to be chasing them. No one wanted to repeat this action tomorrow, it would be troublesome for their plans.

"I wish Cale had a spatial bag," Rok Soo grumbled on his way to the bakery across the street.


The job would have been easier if only Cale had more damn stamina. Why did his body have to be this weak? No, he couldn't take these two damn bags with him.

"What should I do?" Scratching his head in confusion while glancing left and right Cale accidentally found two children, who seemed to be sibling, looking at him warily.

Their clothes were tattered, their bodies were dirty and one of them seemed to be injured, but Cale didn't care, he grinned and walked towards the two children.

"Hey, are you guys hungry?" he asked, as soon as the two children were right in front of him.

The two sitting on the ground glanced at each other, before two pairs of golden eyes stared at him warily.

The silver haired one, possibly the older of the two nodded, "What should we do?"

Cale grinned again. This girl is smart.

"Help me carry one of those bags, after that I'll pay you."

The girl frowned, "Give us something first."

The corner of Cale's mouth twitched in amusement, apparently this girl had brain cells.

"It seems that you guys often run into con artists," Cale muttered quite loudly, a smile returning to his lips. "Come on over there, those are apples you guys can have some."

Cale turned around without seeing if they were following him or not, he was sure they would follow him.


Rok Soo looked around, it was already 2 bags of bread and 3 bags of fruit that he had managed to bring to the foot of the hill, but even Cale's nose bridge hadn't shown itself since just now. Where did the broken boy go?

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