episode 18...

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Taehyung - hey y/n why are you sitting here alone .

Y/n - .......

Y/n doesn't answer him . He ask again but she still doesn't say anything . Then suddenly she started crying . He get shocked seeing her crying .

Taehyung - y/n tell me what happen .

Y/n - nothing ( while sobbing )

Taehyung - you can tell me .

Y/n - jun- jungkook doesn't love me , he just wanted to break my heart .

Taehyung - ok but first stop crying .

Y/n - how can he do this to me .

Taehyung - I told you before .

Y/n - it's all my fault I should have listened you .

Taehyung - don't worry every thing will be fine .

Y/n - I will never forgive him for that . 

He tries to calm her . Then there jungkook comes . He was also looking for he everywhere but he couldn't find her . At last he reached garden and saw her there .

Jungkook - y/n

Y/n ignores him .

Jungkook - y/n listen I am sorry .

Y/n - what do you want now , that's what you wanted to do .

Jungkook - but it's not like that y/n , now I have really changed .

Y/n - I don't even want to see your face , go away from here .

His eyes getting teary . He could cry at any time .  He looked at taehyung and then he become more angry . He punches him hard on his face . Taehyung lips started bleeding . Y/n stopped him , she slap him hard .

Y/n - now you will take out your anger on him .

Jungkook - it's all because of him .

Y/n - don't blame him , if he doesn't told me I would never know your truth .

Jungkook leave from there with sad face . Y/n goes to taehyung and began to clean the blood from his mouth .

Y/n - you should go to the medical room .

Taehyung - it didn't hurt so much it will be fine .

Y/n - no you have to go .

Y/n take him to the medical room , nurse clean his blood . And give him medicine . Then they both come from there .

Taehyung drops y/n to her home . And then goes to his home .

Meanwhile jungkook -

Jungkook is now at the bar . He drank too much . And he is not in his conscious . Jimin tries to stop him but he didn't listen .

Jimin - jungkook stop .

Jungkook - how can I stop everything is ruined .

Jimin - look at yourself , what have you made of yourself .

Jungkook - she didn't even listen to me .

Jimin - you will find another girl .

Jungkook - no , I only want her .

He gets up from there and started leaving but suddenly he bumped into a girl and they both fall down .

Kaya - umm sorry .

Jungkook  - it's ok .

Then they both stand up . Jungkook  tries  to get up but he falls down again . She helps him to stand .

Kaya  - you have drunk too much. I will help you to reach your home .

Jungkook  - no need for it , i can go myself .

Kaya - but you are not in this state .

Jungkook release his hand from her and started walking . But he falls again .

Kaya - see , I said you .

Then jungkook vomits there and he looking so pale .
Then she held him from his shoulder and dragging him outside the bar . They they both sat in her car and takes him in her home .

Jungkook - where are we going ?

Kaya - my home .

Jungkook - stop ! I want to go my  home .

Kaya - ok tell me where is your home .

Jungkook - ( he didn't said anything )

Kaya - take rest in my house today and go to your house tomorrow .

Then they both reached at Kaya place . Kaya gets him out of the car and takes him inside her house . She takes him to her room , and helps him to sit on the bed .

Kaya - take off your shoes .

Jungkook - ......

Kaya - hey , I am telling you something .

Jungkook - no , I am fine like that .

Kaya - u are so stubborn .

Then she take off his shoes . Jungkook suddenly flinched at that moment . After that he looked at his phone and try to call y/n . But she rejected his calls , jungkook became angry and throw his phone hard on the floor .

Kaya - hey , hey what are you doing .

Jungkook - everything is ruined .

Kaya - what happen ?

Suddenly jungkook started crying .

Kaya - you can tell me , maybe I can help you .

Jungkook - she told me that she don't want to see my face ( while crying ) .

Kaya - means you broke up with your girl that's why you drank so much .

Jungkook - l love her so much , but she didn't listen to me .

Kaya - ok tell me everything what happens with you ?

Then jungkook told her everything about y/n and his relationship .

Kaya - don't worry everything will be fine .

Then after some time jungkook fall asleep . Kaya help him to lay on bed , she put a blanket on him . And she sleep on couch .

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