°𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖊𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙

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Shortly after Lily left, you were done cleaning the bakery. There hadn't been much chatter due to the fact that you felt like dropping to the floor and crying. You had never met someone quite like Steven and in the short time he was in your life, he had made things exciting. He made you happy. Now the thought of him made you want to curl into bed and sob. 

You stepped outside into the chilly night, the stars seemingly shining brighter than ever in the sky above. Clicking the key into place, you locked the doors to the bakery before turning on your heels. Your attention went to the museum across the street, sighing softly. Your thoughts were interrupted as a familiar figure walked into the museum, causing you to gasp. It was Steven. You'd seen his face and you recognized that jacket almost immediately. Contemplating for a few moments, you decided on giving him a piece of your mind. How dare he disappear on you like that?

You began walking across the street, Steven had already walked inside the museum. You hurried in, stepping into the large building. In the main lobby, there were no people. Steven was nowhere to be seen. You furrowed your eyebrows. 

"Steven?" you called out, walking through the lobby. You called his name a few more times before feeling a presence behind you. 

"I can bring you to him" the voice spoke, causing you to jump as you turned to face them. 

Standing in front of you was an older man. He had long hair and an even longer red cloak. In his right hand, he held a cane with some sort of alligator-looking detail at the top. You stuttered, trying to find your words after being startled by the man. 

"Arthur Harrow. Avatar of Ammit. It's a pleasure to meet you Miss..." he trailed off, his blue orbs urging you to give him your name. 

"(Y/N)" you said simply, feeling uncomfortable by how close he stood to you. Ammit. That name sounded somewhat familiar. And what the hell was an avatar? Was he a movie geek?

"Ah, (Y/N)" he smiled wickedly, as though he already knew who you are or was excited to find out. "Do you believe you are a good person? That you are truly a being of no evil?" he added. 

"I-I think so" you responded, slowly backing away. This guy creeped you out. 

"Well let's find out".

In an instant, he grasped both your hands tightly. So tightly that you were unable to pull back, despite how hard you were trying. 

"Stop!" you yelled out, your attention was drawn to scales tattooed on his arm that were weighing up and down. You felt like you were going mad. 

Suddenly, his grasp was pulled from yours and everything happened in an instant. You were flung backwards by a force, your back hitting against the wall. Your eyes squeezed shut before blinking open. Then they widened, unable to believe the scene sprawled in front of you. 

A person dressed in all white was battling Harrow. They had gold moons depicted across their costume and a long cloak which was attached to a hood. You could not see any of this person's features. 

"Leave her alone!" they yelled, and you now knew that this was a man. 

You hurriedly tried to look for an exit but the two of them were in front of all the possible paths. Harrow's cane was glowing, its wood digging into the floor below. There were sculptures and paintings falling everywhere and you began to think that this was going to be how you died. 

Without a moment to think, you were pulled up from your feet, dangling upside down. You could not see what had you, it was some sort of invisible force. 

"This is a dream. This is a dream" you repeated to yourself, trying to break free from the force around you. 

In seconds, the man dressed in all white was punching the air. Well, in a literal sense. He began to fight the invisible force, you falling free from its grasp. While Harrow slowly got up on the other side of the room, you took this chance to make your escape. You began to run as fast as you could to the exit before you felt a pair of strong arms wrap around you. Your mouth opened to yell as you felt yourself hoisted up into the air.

You closed your eyes. It felt like you were flying. Then your feet touched the ground and you opened your eyes. You were right outside your flat. You blinked a few times, shaking your head as you looked at the man in white standing beside you. 

"Who are y-" you began, but he was gone. His cloak flew behind him as he glided through the air. You watched him disappear into the night. 

You ran your fingers through your hair before heading inside your apartment. You got into bed, trying your best to convince yourself that this was some sort of dream. But it wasn't. You knew what you had seen and felt. 

"Ammit. Ammit" you whispered to yourself. Where had you heard that name?

Your fingers clicked across your phone screen as you searched the name on the internet. As the results popped up, your eyes slightly widened. 

"Ammit was a goddess in ancient Egyptian religion with the forequarters of a lion, the hindquarters of a hippopotamus, and the head of a crocodile—the three largest "man-eating" animals known to ancient Egyptians" you read out loud, your heart beating at a million miles per hour. 

The crocodiles. They were on Harrow's cane. Ammit. Steven had told you about her when he'd given you his tour. You weren't going insane. Everything was connecting. You knew no one would believe you but one person. You had to go see him. 


"What in the bloody hell was that!" Steven exclaimed, staring into the mirror at his reflection. Well, Marc's reflection. Just a week before, Steven tracked down a storage locker and learned about an alternate version or personality of himself, Marc Spector. A mercenary and an avatar of the Egyptian god, Khonshu. 

"What do you mean? I saved our asses" Marc responded in an obvious tone.

"Yeah! And you nearly got (Y/N) killed" Steven responded, obvious anger in his tone. He wasn't one to be angry easily but he'd witnessed a jackal holding you upside down. He gazed at the scratches on his body, wondering if you had any. 

"No, you nearly got her killed. You're the one that brought her into this whole thing" Marc responded, even angrier than Steven. He brought himself closer to the reflection. 

"You need to stay away from her, Steven".

𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 [𝐌𝐎𝐎𝐍 𝐊𝐍𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 𝐱 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑]Where stories live. Discover now