Are you really asking me out in a bathroom?

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Theme: We are in 2010, in the X-factor bathroom. Harry is nervous about his performance but his mood changes change when Louis shows up to help him out. Whatever that means 😉.
*PS id you want to skip to the good part start reading below the pic.

Harry has been waiting outside the X-Factor with his mom and his sister for a few hours now and is starting to feel very anxious. He doesn't like the idea of him being on stage with hundreds of people looking at him.
H: Hey mom, I'm going a bit to the bathroom.
A: Ok sweetheart, we'll be staying here.
Says Anne and then Harry leaves to go find where the bathroom is. He is walking fast towards a the wc sign and goes in the room. Noone is there. Lucky for him he thought. He stands in front of the sink and throws some water on his face, then looks in the mirror. His lip is shaking and his eyes are getting teary. He can feel a tighting in his stomach, which makes him curl himself in a corner and start crying. His emerald eyes are becoming red from the tears that fall down on his cheeks. He notices a difficulty in breathing that makes him begin panting.
Then a blue eyed boy walks in and sees him on the floor ,struggling to breathe. He sits down in front of him.
L: Hey easy there love! Everything is gonna be fine. Look at me.
Harry looks at him. He finds himself getting captivated in Louis' gaze. His eyes have the brightest blue color he has ever seen.
L: Now please, try to breathe with me. Inhale (Harry inhales)
Good, now exhale (Harry exhales).
After a few more seconds of Harry trying to control his breathing he finally manages to calm down.
Louis then sits next to him and turns his head to face him.
L: Are you feeling any better?
H: Ye- yes. Thank you so much for helping me. Wha-what's your name?
L: My name is Louis , Louis Tomlinson.
He says in a cheeky and raspy tone.
L: And you are?
H: I'm Harry Styles.
L: Nice to meet you Harry. I suppose you are here to audition right?
H: Yeah , but I'm quite nervous about it.
L: I see but it's okay. I'm sure you are going to do great!
He says while tucking one of Harry's curls behind his ear and smiles.  making him blush. He has the most beautiful smile he has ever witnessed.
H: Thank you. And thank you for before.
L: My pleasure.

Louis replies and stares deeply into his eyes

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Louis replies and stares deeply into his eyes. Then he licks his partially open lips and leans forward. Harry doesn't move and lets their lips meet.
He tasted sweet he thought and he has so soft and delicate features. A cute tiny button nose, sharp cheekbones,  lightly tanned skin.
After a few seconds they break off from the kiss. Both of then are now blushing.
L: So um... that was-
Before Louis even completes his sentence, Harry kisses him, this time more passionately and sits on his lap. Louis' hands slowly move to his waist and feel his torso. In the meantime Harry starts to thrust his hips and rests his hands on Louis' waistline. He can feel Louis getting hard while rubbing on him.
H: Should we lock the door?
L: Yes, yes we should.
Harry gets up and locks the bathroom door. Louis stands up too and his member is now visibly hard under his sweatpants.
H: Now it's my turn to help. Do you want me to fall on my knees?
L: (breathing heavily) Only if you want it too.
H: Oh believe me , i do.
And then Harry gets on his knees and touches Louis cock, rubbing it slowly. He pulls his pants and boxers down and takes it in his hand , stroking it back and forth. He puts his mouth around it, till it's all the way in and begins to bob his head. Louis throws his head back and moans. He rests his hand on Harry's hair , feeling his curls.
L: Harry i'm- i'm close- you don't have to swallow if you don-
And then he cums and Harry swallows everything, his lips licking Louis' cock clean.
Louis fixes his clothes and stays there. as Harry washes his hands.
H: Louis?
L: Yes love?
H: I want something last from you. If it's okay with you of course.
L: Tell me.
H: I need to feel you. It hurts...
And he glimpses down at his member.
L: I'd love to, but we don't have any lube and it would be uncomfortable.
H: Um...actually we have...I always keep a little with me, you know, in case of an emergency.
L: And what kind of emergency could that be? You getting horny in the X-Factor bathroom?
H: Possibly.
L: (chuckles) alright then , you ready?
H: What's you think?
And then Louis turns around and bents over the sink, letting Harry pull his trousers down. After that, he applies a drop of lubricant on his fingers and positions them on Louis' entrance.
H: I'm going to prep you first so you don't get hurt.
He says and slides his middle finger in , moving it in and out slowly.
H: Second one?
L: (moans) Ye- yes...this feels so good...
Harry inserts another finger.
L: Fa- faster...
He listens and starts thrusting his fingers faster than before.
H: Third?
Louis nodds had Harry adds one more finger inside him.
L: I- i think i'm ready for you...
H: Okay. You can tell me to stop at anytime.
He says and unbuckles his pants, allowing his cock to spring out. He wasn't wearing any underwear.
L: You- you do commando?
H: Yep.
He places it on Louis' center and carefully slides it it. Meanwhile he grabs Louis' hips to pull him closer.
His member is now deep in him and he begins to move back and forth.
Louis keeps his hand on the sink to stay put and moans out of pleasure when Harry fasters his speed.
L: Harder...please...
H: (panting) You sure?
L: Do it...(breathes heavily)
Harry is now slamming into Louis , locking his body onto his.
H: I- i can't hold up any longer-
L: Cum inside me-
And Harry reaches his climax , throwing his head back. and letting out a loud moan, in and unexpectedly deep voice.
They both fix their clothes and try to catch their breath.
H: That was amazing. You feel so good.
L: Well what can i say? I have that.
And your mouth feels so nice.
H: (giggles)
L: I was wondering...would you like to go out with me? You know just hang out,  not to do anything else. Just talk?
H: Are you really asking me out in a bathroom?
L: Yes, i mean what's the point you are still going to say yes!
H: I know (laugs). Of course i will go out with you.
*Someone knocks on the door
L: I think it's time for us to leave.
H: Yeah , i will give you my number outside.

Okay , i don't know why but i had more fun writing gay smut than strait smut. I will combine these two in my next fanfics.
Anyway, thank you for reading luvs!
And don't forget to vote. 💖

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2022 ⏰

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