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"who's kenken btw?" Bokuto laughed. "he's the popular YouTuber dumbass" iwa said while drinking his margarita. "ohhhh kodzuken right?". bokuto went over me and patted my head, "oh yeah, you haven't met with him yet", i looked over bokuto. "should i? i mean he's friends with kawa and keiji and then you guys. How'd you know him anyway?"

Bokuto laughed again. I frown, 'why does he keeps laughing at me like im crazy? god this is so annoying'
"well we met kenma because kawa and keiji introduce him when we we're kids"
'kenma huh? cute'

"So like you known him when you we're kids?" bokuto laughed again but this time i throwed a fucking can at him, "will you atleast stop laughing and tell me who kenma is" i glared.

Bokuto finally stopped laughing. "yeah yeah, we all used to hangout since we we're kids but got separated at highschool and met you" i made an 'o' face. "what's he's height?" bokuto grinned at me 'god why is he even grinning suddenly'.

"welllllll he's 5'4 or 5'5?" bokuto turned to iwa. "hmm he last said he's 5'6 now" iwa said making a thinking face. "OHOHOHO MY KENMA BRO HAS GROWN HUH".

"Ahh 5'6 huh still small" bokuto turned to me, "oh shut up you fucking 6'2 shit", i laughed.

"Oh, and he's cute you should follow him" bokuto winked at me. I rolled my eyes.

"yeah yeah i will tomorrow, I wanna get wasted today" iwa laughed, "yeah let's gets wasted tonight!" he said.

'welp after 10 shots i blacked out. And well...bokuto blacked out just about 4 shots, i guess matsun was right. Iwa didn't get drunk that much but he called oikawa a minute ago and called him babe'

-short chapter cause i wrote this at 5 am and didn't sleep until now lol

next chap tmw!!!

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