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It's been over a week since we relieved officially Rydellington.Fans didn't even get that surprise.It was pretty much in the face!

Thing is,me and Ellington haven't been able to find some time alone.Either we are working really hard on the new album or someone just walks into our moments.

With the album done,we hoped we could have mode time to us.No,that is just not happening.

We are currently in the A&A wrap party.The amount of congratulations I've heard tonight is ridiculous.These people knew all along we were dating! Like come on,it has been two years.

'Uhh,don't you just wanna skip this and go home?' Ell asks whispering in my ears.

'Ohh,hottie,I wish I could.' I answer.I lend in to give him a quick kiss but of course we are interrupted by Lori.She is drinking tonight which leaves me worried.

Lori is known for not knowing how to drink.Me and Ell are driving her home tonight and I'm pretty sure she'll be drunk.

'Well,if Lori is gonna drink so am I...You drive tonight.' Ellington says lending me his cars key.He got himself recently a Mercedes.I don't know why he bought a new car when he already needed one but I liked the new car.Plus,I don't want to start an argument over a car.

As predicted Lori got drunk.Riker had to carry her to Ells car!

'Uhh,Del,are you gonna leave her alone like this?' Riker asks.I look at him and raise an eyebrow.Like he doesn't know the damn answer.

'I will see you in the morning!' I say getting in the car in the driver seat.Ell is going on his phone on the passenger seat while Lori is almost death in the back.

'You do know If she throws up in my brand new car,I'll be extremely pissed.' Ell says and I nod.I will too because at the end who will hear Ells complaining is me.

Getting home,I managed to make Lori sleep.When I got into my room,the only thing I wanted was sleep.I look at Ell who is already asleep.I try making no noise but he unfortunately wakes up.

'Babe,what are you doing up?' He asks sleepy.

'Lori just slept...She passed out in the guest room.' I say taking off my dress.

'You know I was planning a runaway tomorrow...' He says while I change and do my needs in the bathroom.

'A runaway?' I ask confuse.I get into our closet and pick randomly one of his shirts.

'Like an us day at the beach...' He says and I smile.I sit down in bed and he pushes me under the covers.

'We need to leave early if we wanna avoid the rest coming along.' I say and he nods

'Phone set for 6am...with everyone hangover I bet they won't be up until less than noon.' He says and I nod.

'You know that they'll probably go to the beach too,right?' I say while snuggling into his chest.

'Yeah,to Malibu...I found this place in Santa Monica that almost no one goes fans and no Lynches.' He explains.

'Gosh,you thought of everything.' I say and I can see the smirk on his face although I'm not looking at his face.

'Good night,babe.' He says kissing my forehead.Tomorrow will be good.

We wake up at 6 and get everything done real quick.We leave at almost seven.I passed at my brothers' room and they are all passed out.I let a note for them and left.

Ell drives us to the beach and it is really far but it is worth the drive.The view and the beach are amazing plus like Ell said,no paps or fans.

Not that I don't love my fans,I do! It's just that I really wanna spend some time alone with my boyfriend.

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