my name is Bella.there might be some miss spelling
My story is about a boy who likes a girl..
A little bit about jason he has blond hair and blue eyes jason skipped some grades so now he goes to college he goes to college the girl i met ,her name is tori she has brown eyes and blond hair.
jason is wondering why tori keeps on saying their not right for each other.Jason keeps on trying to tell her yes they are but tori screamed and yelled NO so tori had to go to the principles ofice the princepalls name is mr.Spencer Mr.Spencer said you better go out with jason so he'll quit bothering you in your classes.Ok FINE so tori went and asked jason if he would like to go out with her right before she could finsh her sentence there goes jason saying YES. Jason was so happy he was crying tears of joy!!!So as soon as Jason got home he wrote a love song/poem. he wrote roses are red vilots are blue i LOVE YOU. When Jason got to school he gave tori the not Tori said WHY WHY did you give this to me you must of ment it for somone else.Jason said no it's for you in a mad voice tori's cheeks started to blush she had steam coming out of her ears.Tori went to the bathroom she told all the girls why did the univeres do this to me WHY .All the girls asked why she said that so Tori said jason wrote me a poem/song it said roses are red vilots are blue i love you so all the girls said oh and got deapreased so tori screamed and cried NO she got in trouble agin by Mr.Spencer.