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Boss--"Abbie get your butt out here and clean these tables up" I got up from the chair in the back by the cook station that I had just sat down on, I walk slowly to the cleaning supplies then make my way to the tables that the highschoolers destroyed and I started to clean it while ignoring the aching in my body. Well, I better explain to you all who I am, my name is Abigail Roberts, people just call me Abbie and not my full name. I am about to turn 19 in a about a week, I graduated high school when I turned 17 years old which is only because my birthday is on July 2nd, and I had graduated May 13th. 

Some more personal things about me I weight 360 pounds, I am 5'4, I have black straight long hair, I work at a small diner so I can help pay rent at my brother home which I have just, moved into by the way, I am very shy around anybody other than my family, and my favorite hobby is reading romance books well worse than your regular lovey stuff, I happen to love them with a few steamy parts in it as well, and that pretty much covers all of me, now I really have to get back to work before I lose my job. 

I get back to work on the table which includes picking up all the straw wrappers, collect all of the plates and put them in the collecting ben, I have to wipe all of the tables down, wipe the seat down, I have to clean the trash off the floor and if I am finally lucky I get a tip for all of that work but the teenagers don't ever really tip they are always to worried about hurting my feelings than worrying about how good of a job I am doing. Once I finish with that table I look up and I see my brother Leo walking in and I smile when he looks over at me, 

A--"Hey sir, do you mind if I take a 5-minute break?"

Boss--"As long as you get the counters cleaned off and the floors are swept and mopped by 10, you can take a 5-minute break" I sat down at the table I just cleaned and motioned for him to come and sit down, while I was waiting for him to sit down, I rested my head in my hands that rested on the table. He is the first one to speak, 

L--"Hey are you okay? You have been working a lot, sis, and I have told you that me and Salvator's business can handle everything money wise" 

A--"I am okay I am just tired that is all, he hasn't hired anybody yet, so it is just me and the one girl Rachel which she is rude" 

L--"When does she work?" 

A--"Weekends and I work weekdays, and the cook works everyday right now until he hires more people" 

L--"That is a load of bullshit" I realized when my brother gets mad like he is right now he can be really frightening with his whole upper body covered in tattoo's, bulky muscles, in a suit all the time, I defiantly wouldn't want to get on his bad side.  I looked down at my watch and see my 5-minute mark has hit and I groan getting up holding my back,

A--"Shit" I don't usually cuss like that but my back hurts so bad today, I had to move a heavy table all by myself because my boss was too busy flirting with a woman to help me and when I tried to pick it up a little to help move it, I pulled my back muscle or something, 

L--"What is wrong?" 

A--"It's nothing" I said with a smile then go the vacuum and got to work. Once I was done with my work I walked out of the diner with my jacket and my purse that contained my money from my paycheck, I lock the door and I see my brother there leaning against his car and I jumped holding my chest, 

A--"What are you still doing here? You should already be at home getting some rest"

L--"I don't really like letting you walk home this late at night"

A--"I am fine you really didn't have to wait all this time on me"

L--"I don't mind waiting sis; I just don't want somebody hurting or taking advantage of you on your way home" 

A--"Okay fine, but I have to stop at the store on the way home" he nodded getting in the car which I also did. On the way to the store he said, 

L--"Salvator is on his way home, he should be home around midnight" I have yet to see Salvator since I have been at their home, he has been on business for the whole time, I also haven't seen him since they pretty much around the time they graduated,  

A--"You did tell him I am living with you now, right?" 

L--"Yes, I cleared it before hand and he was okay with it, I promise you it's not an inconvenience for you to be in our home, I promise"

A--"I can't help but feel that way, I just couldn't here mom and dad anymore, they want me to marry already so bad and I just don't want that, I mean who would want to marry me?" I said the last part to myself, 

L--"I know I delt with that too, that is why I left right after I graduated, I love them just like you do but they can be a lot" he chuckled which pushed the bad thoughts about myself away and made me laugh. We pull up to the store and I sigh not wanting to go in there, 

A--"Want to come in with me?" I said with the best puppy dog eyes I could give, he groaned rolling his eyes playfully saying, 

L--"Okay" we walked in, and I grabbed a lot of stuff because me and him have eaten the little that was there when I got there a couple weeks ago. Once we got EVERYTHING we needed it was 11:40 and I was exhausted so when I got in the car, I fell asleep. I was suddenly shaken awake and when I opened up my eyes and I looked around I saw that we were outside of our home, I sigh grabbing my stuff ready to grab some of the groceries, but he stops me, 

L--"Don't worry about it I already took everything up while you slept a little longer in the car"

A--"Thanks bub, but I could have helped you"

L--"It's fine, besides we still have to put all of them away" now standing in the middle of the kitchen by myself looking at all of the stuff to put away thinking dang I should have taken him up on his offer to help me. I kicked my shoes off really quick and started putting all of the food away. I was halfway through the groceries when I heard a voice behind me, 

S--"Why are you up so late?" I looked back startled from being sneaked up on, I then looked at him closely then realizing that it was... Salvator.

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