Chap 13

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"And lift your arms up, reach them high in the sky, breathe deeply."

I was stuck in some kind of serenity class where you sat on mats and did ridiculous stretches and poses. Cyrus had said it was a good thing for me to try, so I could clear my mind and have some peace. I snickered, how was a bunch of nimble women and men going to bring me peace?

"Now, step your feet back, plant those hands and lift your tail bone." I watched everyone obey the soft spoken woman's words. "This brings us in to downward facing dog."

If I could muster up anything close to a laugh I would have from all this.

I've been going to this 'yoga' practice for a few weeks now and I haven't the slightest idea what I'm doing here. My 'peace' Cyrus spoke of hasn't come.

"And now just lay there in the corpse pose and let our breath return to normal."

This I did as I shifted my body from its crossed legged position. I hadn't moved a muscle from where I was on the mat this whole practice but for some reason I felt like doing this one.

I laid my head back staring up at the ceiling and sighed.

"Good Teagan, that's it" the woman said to me. "Let it all go" her voice soft and light.

I rolled my eyes before closing them letting the silence sink in, my body relaxed just a bit. It was hard surrounded by all these wolves but I did my best.

Then thoughts from the other day came storming its way into my head. The feel of Connors razor sharp teeth sinking in to my flesh.

My eyes shot open as fire spread through my veins at the memory. I stood up slowly trying to breathe deeply, I stepped over body after body. When I finally reached the door I rushed out and made my way outside quickly. The snow was falling but each flake melted the moment it hit my skin.

It was such a raging fire, I didn't understand what I was supposed to do. Something in me kept screaming over and over again to take him!

Take him!

Take him!!

I cupped my head in my hands suppressing the urge to scream, staggering behind the house and sliding down the wall.

'Take him' it whispered of ecstasy and possession.

But what did I know of those.

'Be whole' it said.

"It's some sort of trap" I said aloud.

It had to be.


I had to practice with Connor again. It's been a week since our first match, I refused to go so Cyrus has been filling in for me with Connor. But he wouldn't do it for me anymore so I had to face it and come.

I had gained my composure before entering the sparing room. Connor stood in the middle of the room stretching and I froze. It was like he put some sort of spell on me that made me lose all my control. Cyrus came up to me.

"Alright you two play nice." With that he walked back to the place he was last time. 

We faced each other but I noticed that he wouldn't look me in the eyes. I felt a sick satisfaction with this knowledge. He was anxious around me, I could feel it. I smiled.

Without any warning Connor charged me catching me by surprise but I was fast on the uptake. The moment his feet left the ground I caught him in midair and around the waist, throwing him into the wall. For some reason the moment I saw him hit the wall my body cramped up in pain at hurting him. The screaming in my head grew louder. I pushed the warnings back and took his wrist in my hands and locked them above his head.

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