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"Really?!" I screamed into my phone, my body shaking in excitement.

"Yes, Sasuke. It'll be fun. Now, come over. I've got lots of snacks ready." Neji laughs.

"Alright, I'll be over in 5. See yah later!" I quickly hang up the phone and run out of the alley I've been hiding in.

My parents only kicked me out a few weeks ago. Yeah, I smell bad. But the College locker room has showers so I took advantage. Although, that's didn't help much on the week-ends.

Making my way over to the address Neji just sent over our phones, I weave myself through the strange looking people.

Looking around the street, I realize the closer I get to Neji's condo, the richer everyone looks. Neji never seemed this rich.

Checking the address to make sure I wasn't lost, I turned the last corner of the street and froze, gaping openly at the condo apartment Neji led me in.

Ignoring the obnoxious stares of the nastly wealthy people, I sprint over to the opening, squeezing myself in with the others heading the same way.

Glancing down at my phone, I see the number 406b, and fast walk myself to the elegant golden metal elevators.

After stepping onto the fourth floor of this all glass covered condo apartment, I turn to my right and instantly find the door reading,


on a golden platter.

I raise my hand slowly and hesitantly knock on the exquisite designed door.

Neji's face immediately appears from behind the squared door and his hands shoot out and grabs onto me, dragging me inside.

"W-what?!" I stutter, wobbling on my feet.

"Happy Birthday!" He screams, grinning broadly.

I frown, confused. "Todays my birthday?"

Nejis shoulders slump, his lips pouting. "How can someone forget their own birthday? It's the day they were born!" Neji exclaims, pulling me over to his condos beige leather sofa.

"Oh wait! I know. When your parents kick you out! I mean, seriously? How could they do that to you?! And for what, for Itachi's apartment fee's? I hate parents who favorite their own children." He grumbles, sipping on some Peach Tea.

I chuckle, leaning back on the comfortable coach. "Don't worry about that, Neji. They're assholes anyways."

His abnormal colored eyes set in me, glaring. "And you! Don't act like this hasn't affected you at all. Why're you lying? I'm your best friend, Sasuke. It's alright to be sad sometimes."

My eyes start to fill with held tears, and my bottom lips curl in to be bitten by my teeth.

I sniffle, covering my face with my small hands. "Why would they do this to me?! I'm their own flesh and blood!" I wail, throwing myself at Neji.

He curls his arms around me, hugging me tightly, "They're total fuckers, Sasuke. They don't deserve a son like you. You've been nothing but perfect to them and all they do is care for Itachi. They're not suitable or responsible parents whatsoever."

I sob and sniffle, letting the shivers rake my spine.

After what seemed hours, I finally calmed down and blushed furiously. "Sorry Neji. Didn't mean to be a hindrance."

Neji hits my head lightly, "Don't be stupid, Sasuke. Friends are their for eachother right?" He winks, smiling softly.

I nod happily, stretching my stressed muscles out.

"Now, no offense but, you smell like total ass. So go take a shower, we're going out." Neji shouts, his fist pumping in the air.

I roll my eyes, sniffing my armpits. "I don't have any clothes, stupid."

Neji grins lightly, "You can just borrow some of mine. We're about the same size. Both small and skinny, so I'm pretty sure mine'll fit." He nods, shoo'ing me off to shower.

After getting cleaned and washing and brushing my teeth and hair, I step out of the bathroom and scurry to where I presume Neji is.

I assume right since Neji was sitting in his bed, playing a game on his phone.

"I need clothes, Neji!" I call out, tightening the towel around me and shivering.

He looks up and gasps, "Sorry Sorry! I forgot. You should've just called me, you'll get a cold like this!" He complains, rummaging through his closet.

After a few minutes he finally pulls out a blue tight long sleeved v-neck and bright blue skinny jeans.

"It's kinda chilly out, so this is perfect!" He explains, throwing them at my face and running out of the room.

After getting dressed, I rushed out of the expensive looking bedroom and ran into Neji.

He stumbles but quickly gains his balance, laughing.

"Right Neji! I never knew you were this rich. We'be been best friends since forever, how did I not know you lived here." I ask, pouting a bit.

Neji snickers and flicks my lips. "That's because I'm not. My cousin gave this to me as a late birthday gift. I tried refusing but he went all puppy dog eyes and all."

I laugh loudly before waving my hand and turning away, only to be turned back around by small yet string hands.

"Wait!" Neji shouts, sneakily blindfolding me from behind. "You have to wear this."

I cry out, seeing nothing but darkness. "Neji you meanie."

I feel him shrug from where I was holding his biceps carefully.

"Where we're going is a surprise!" He exclaims, pulling me along.

After many scenes of stumbling and tripping, we eventually make it to the lobby, which made me cough from the strong smell of pricey perfume and heavy axe.

I hear Neji sigh with relief before noticing that we were probably at a place which wasn't as occupied as the first.

I tug my arm away from Nejis and start walking slowly, with my hands upright like a zombie.

Only a few mere seconds later, I bump into someone and instantly hear Nejis terrified gasp.

Out of curiousity I lift my hand and start feeling the persons arms, trying to find out its gender.

"Hm, big muscles. But I've seen girls with muscle to so..." I move my hands to where the chest it supposed to be and push forward, only to be met by a smooth surface.

"No tits?" I pout, feeling a little disappointed. "No. Wait a second. I've seen girls with small boobs"

"Sa-" I hear Nejis nervous voice quiver.

"One second, Neji. I gotta see this." I smirk. My hands lower for the main course and grip the persons crouch, my hands immediately letting go when I feel the large member inside.

"A man, huh." I nod thoughtfully, tapping my bottom lip with my finger. "You've got a huge package there, buddy. Lucky one." I pat his shoulders slightly, before waving my hands randomly to grasp Nejis attention.

I feel his small hands grab mine quickly before hastily dragging me away.

"Now you've done it, dumby." Neji whispers, tightening his grip on my hand.

I hope you've liked it.

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I love you all! Bye

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