You see I wasn't born into a burning home
But I was born into a nest cooping me from the burning world
The nest made originally of a few twigs my mother could gather after departure from my father
The nest that grew to be rainbows and sunshine
Until it rained
And when it rained it stormed
And to escape the storm i threw myself into the burning world
The world that will pick apart every sentence and movement you make
The world that will make you question how necessary every bite of that meal is
The world that will tell you your not made for that dress or hairstyle
And when the world became to much you come back to realize your nest is on fire and so is your mother
Because he lit the match
And then you must rebuild that nest stick by leaf to make it your own
Because you had no idea of what life was prior to our burning nest
And then you'd go back to the burning world with ambition to fix it like your nest and it sets you on fire
Leaving trails of scars up and down your body like you mother
Leaving you feeling purposeless and alone.
but now you must protect yourself because the mother from your nest is not your mother anymore.