What The Fuck

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(Third person pov)

Louis scooted from the road to the grass grabbing the bike with him. "No! Fuck off Niall im fucking fine!" Louis huffed, sitting awkwardly on the side of the road. He looked over at the bike lying next to him and back up to his friend. "Are you sure you don't need to go to a hospital?.. Don't look at me like that man, I'm just concerned for your safety because I'm so caring." Niall retorted. "Man you must be suffocating with all that ego. " Louis deadpanned. He shuffled strangely and stood with a grunt. "Let's go home ya? Before someone calls the police. " Louis just wanted to lay down. "Fine." Niall grumbled.


Louis laid on his bed staring at the ceiling, his arm aching every time he tried to move it. God fucking damn it man. He could not deal with this right now. He flipped onto his stomach and groaned into his pillow. Why the fuck was he such a dumbass. You see, he decided it would be a brilliant idea to take a little night time bike ride down a hill. It wasn't. He crashed into and flipped over a mailbox and broke it. And now he's in excruciating pain. How the fuck was he supposed to tell his mom he probably dislocated something because he was a dumbass. That poor woman.

Louis shuffled downstairs and begrudgingly informed his mother of his pain and what happened. And as predicted she lectured him about safety and how if he wasn't hurt she would beat him up. How sweet. But understandable.


Well shit. Long story short Louis dislocated his a.c joint. Whatever the fuck that is, (He later found out that its the bone the connects the shoulder bone to the collar bone) he just wanted to get the fuck out of this splint that he has to wear for two months. And then he has to get physical therapy, all because of a bike.

He's going to kill himself.

(:) *Authors Note!* (:)

Hi guys! I'm Clover and i'm so happy that you're reading my book! This is my first serious book that im sticking with so wish me luck! There will be at least a chapter every other day. I lack motivation and ideas so bare with me.

Toodles! xx

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