~Vaidehi POV~
Do dreams come true?
It's been an hour since I woke up, but that dream is still messing up with my brain and I don't even know why once in a while he comes into my dream and makes me this much suspicious about his life.
I've many friends who are close to Aarush and, can tell me everything about him and his life but I chose not to ask them because they would get a hint that I like him and I totally don't want that It's been two, and a half years since I last saw him, and I still have those memories of him alive in my heart.
I want those memories to go away but I think God has some different plans.
I shrugged off all the thoughts and opened my phone "Shriya sent me a photo with some boy."
"Who's this Shriya?"
"He's kind of cute though."
It's a selfie of Shriya and some boy they're eating ice cream and Shriya is grinning like a psycho.
I scrolled my Instagram feed, liked some of the posts, and kept my phone aside, I've to complete some assignments which are due next week.
I heard a door slam I checked the time it was 6 pm so most probably Sam was back.
"Sam are you back," I said almost screaming because Sam can't hear shit when her room is closed.
"Sammm" This girl I stood up from my bed telling my assignments that I'd be right back.
"Sam open this goddamn door or I'm going to call your sister, are you fucking hearing me Sam you bitch open it now," I said losing all my temper.
There she is standing with deadly eyes, and it means bad news someone's going to be killed kind of bad news.
"What do you want bitch can't you just keep your shit together and don't show your fucking face for some time because if I see your face any longer, I'll shove your face right in this fucking wall."
This girl like seriously thinks I'd go if she curses me like this hell nah.
"Sam look this thing won't work on me so tell me what happened."
"Nothing that son of a bitch said I'm nothing in his life and he has someone he loves... Vaidehi, he doesn't love me he just toying with my feelings and wasting my time" Sam said with so much hurt in her eyes.
"No Sam, he loves you he doesn't show but he is dying to date you he's waiting Sam he's waiting for so long he."
No no, Vaidehi control yourself it's not your place to tell her.
"He loves someone else" Sam choked on her voice.
I hugged Sam I can't see her like this anymore.
"Sh sh Sam it's ok you're strong you're Sam the badass who never cries and doesn't give a damn about anyone you're my Wonder Woman" Sam tightly hugged me like her life is dependent on me.
After some time, I see Sam is kind of ok so I broke the hug and held her hand, took her to bed, and tucked her under her blanket Sam's eyes are puffy her face is red from all the crying this whole situation is fucked up I've to call josh.
I left the room and went to my room to call Josh.
"Hi Vidu listen I can't talk I'll call you later I'm at the hospital with Mom," Josh said in a tired voice.

RomantikShe is in college but she still can't forget him, she's graduating soon but still she can't forget him, she's leaving the country but she still can't forget him...ever since she left the school she can't forget that one special boy that she was wish...