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Pulling herself from the much-heated kiss. Ella tried to catch her breath, while Augustus rested his forehead on hers. Both of them stayed still, closing their eyes, shocked by their feelings for each other and unaware of them being reciprocated.

Ella took the time in steading herself. She may be having feelings for him, but she was adamant on controlling them, it will be difficult, but she was ready to sacrifice, she owed her life to Amber, and she couldn't think of any other way to repay, moreover, Augustus and she weren't a match at all.

Augustus on the other side was wanting more. Now, that he had accepted the fact that he was in love with her, he couldn't think of any other thing. Augustus King was weak for the first time. He wanted nothing more than to rip that dress she wore to shreds and take her against every corner of the mansion. However, he knew that Ella would resist him, like always, but he decided to wait. Wait, because she was now stuck with him and forever was a bit too much to try resisting him.

"You should get ready." Ella said in a soft voice. Soft enough for him to hear. Saying this she kept her hands on his, which were on her hips, removing them Ella walked out.

Closing the closet door Ella sighed, leaning on it. Never in the world she thought that the person she would develop feelings for will be Augustus King. She hated it and was adamant on stopping it, yet whenever he was near her it felt right.

Her thoughts came to a stop when she saw Augustus step out of the closet. He was handsome, Ella wouldn't deny that but at that time he looked like more than handsome. He was dressed in a black suit and white shirt. Two top buttons of his shirt were undone, and it did nothing but make him look more attracting that he already was. His bronde hair in a quiff, like always and his best feature, his blue eyes staring in her brown ones.

Ella's breath became a bit heavy when she saw him come towards her. He bent down to her level and Ella closed her eyes expecting another mind-blowing kiss, his cologne filling her nostrils making her a bit dizzy. After a few seconds of not having his lips hovering above hers Ella slowly opened her eyes only to be met by his blue ones staring right into hers. He had a smirk on his perfect face and Ella couldn't help but be embarrassed when she noticed that he must have picked up his phone which was behind her, on the bed.

"Were you expecting something?" Augustus asked, still with a smirk.

"N-no." Ella replied embarrassed as a blush rose up to her cheeks.

"Lie." Augustus said enjoying how embarrassed his wife was.

"I wasn't." Ella said annoyed making him chuckle.

"Let's go." Augustus said, taking Ella's hand in his big ones and moving towards the mansion's ballroom.

Reaching the tall, black double doors. Ella became more nervous and felt more uneasy thinking of how many people there will be inside, all focused on her after all she was the bride of Augustus King. Other women would have loved all that attention, but she Ella, she hated it, being in the spotlight was something Ella never liked, staying away from the spotlight was something Ella preferred.

"It's going to be fine." Augustus said noticing how nervous Ella was.

"You'll be fine, trust me. I'm with you." Augustus mumbled the last part.

Ella looked at Augustus, her eyes searching for any sign of lie in his blue eyes, but she found none. She constantly asked herself if she could trust him, Augustus King, of all people.

Giving Ella a small peck on her lips, Augustus nodded to the man who stood there waiting to open the door for them.

Just as the doors opened, everybody's attention in the party turned to the couple. No one could believe that Augustus King was married. Some were jealous, some were unbothered, some saw this as an opportunity to take him down as they thought that the women could be used as a weakness against him, few who were family were happy.

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