Chapter 14 ~ The song of desire

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Darkness overcame her as soon as she closed her eyes. She had resisted sleep for too long. Too long she wanted to wait for him. Whether it was Milo or Michael, it didn't matter. She wanted to wait and meet her fate. But as she sat there on the couch, it apparently became softer and softer and her body, which was no longer under adrenaline, needed to recover. From the horror, the blood, the corpses, the monsters of reality. But it was finally the sleep that came to her before the two and brought her into the darkness.

 She herself could not see it but her body moved restlessly back and forth. Not something because it was a dream full of lust. No, it was another nightmare that was given to her. Darkness surrounded her as always an old friend and yet always different. She moved forward before the corridor in front of her was illuminated by the almost burnt out flickering candles. The candles in the old iron hallways no longer seemed splendid. Everything seemed cold and dark, gloomy and abandoned. As if the splendor of the wish and the dream was gone. 

As if the truth about the creature had come to light. The darkness at her feet gave way and cold bare old stone floor and walls were brought forth. The cold drove into her body and did not seem to let her go. The white long nightgown that covered her naked body moved slightly as she walked. She continued walking before an old oak door with heavy iron hinges appeared out of the shadows. It seemed to have been there since the beginning of the castle's construction. 

Her fingers ran over the wood. Cold. It was just as cold as anything else in the place. She touched the cold handle and felt the slight indentations that had been made by the casting before she pushed it down and walked through the door. But the hope of a change of scenery was not to be found. The castle, the magnificent interior, everything in this wonderful place seemed to be in disrepair. The walls, which were hung with brightly painted pictures and tapestries as well as large oil paintings, were now full of mold, dust and cobwebs. The tapestry had peeled away and as she stepped closer to get a better look, she was startled. Claw-like deep furrows had pierced her cheek in various places. The tall, candle-lit chandeliers barely provided any light, but it was enough to see the horror.
Moving away with a pounding heart and an uneasy feeling, she continued on her way. On what or after whom she did not know. Was it Light, Michael or even Milo?
But the further she went, the more fragile everything seemed to become. Desolate and yet morbid in its own beautiful.

She reached the apparent end of the passage, but stopped. A figure of her own stood opposite her. The initial fear in her inner self gave way when she realized that it was her own reflection. Stepping towards the mirror embedded in the wall, she soon found herself face to face. The reflective surface was cool and a crack ran from top to bottom across the mirror. She saw herself twice, as if two sides were ruling her inner life, as they did with Michael and Milo. Was it wrong?
Didn't she have two sides? The one who loved Michael and wanted to help. The other who was afraid of the monster and tried to accept it. She stepped closer and touched the crack with her fingers. She hissed harshly as blood smeared the surface. 

Despite the fact that it was not a deep tear in the mirror, the cut on her finger was deep. To somehow soothe it, her fingers tangled in the white nightgown. But this also absorbed the blood and formed a morbid pattern. ,, My heart" she heard Michael's voice and when she looked up he was standing behind her again. His cold hand ran up her arm to her bleeding fingers. ,, Let me help you" she heard him whisper before she felt his tongue on her fingers. He licked and sucked the blood away but he did not stop. ,, Michael, enough," she said after his deadly embrace became more possessive. She cried out in fear when she felt his teeth on her neck. 

They were only a few millimeters away from her skin when there was a crack from the mirror. Her gaze fixed on her own image as the mirror shattered further and the pieces fell to the floor. They shattered and she felt the small cuts on her legs that had gone through the fabric. But what frightened and panicked her was the figure that came out through the darkness. ,, My flower" she heard his voice and yet she could not escape him because Michael would not let her go. Milo grabbed her other hand and ran his tongue up it before she felt his presence on the other side of her neck.
The obsession chased and trapped two monsters who want to feed on her blood. But only one of them really has her heart.
Her eyes opened as she felt the teeth of the two vampires on her neck. Her hands clawed at the couch beneath her. Darkness infinite darkness still seemed to lie over the city. And slowly she wondered if she would be in the dark reality forever.

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