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Jotaro POV

"Survival can be summed up in three words,
never give up. That's the heart of it.
Just keep trying."


My head hurt like hell.

It felt as if the blood had all rushed to my head. When I opened my eyes I instantly realized why. I was upside down, tied up from my legs to my shoulders hanging from the ceiling.

"What the hell-" I said and tried to get loose. When that didn't work I looked around, I was in what looked like a bedroom. "I think, this is a bit too kinky for my taste-"

Seeing no one else in the room I realized I was on my own getting out of this one. I tried moving my hands slightly before remembering something I had.

I slowly inched my hand into my pocket and I sighed in relief feeling the cold pocket knife my father left me.

I opened the thing and slowly began cutting through the rope, after about a minute or two of cutting, I fell hard on my back "Shit, should've thought about that before cutting." I put the knife away and looked around the room.

A bed, desk, closet, bathroom, and a TV-looking thing. I walked to the door and it opened. As I left I noticed a dimly lit hallway. Looking out I saw 3 other people. Two males knocking on a door, and another clueless-looking guy was walking around.

"Hey, what the hell going on here," I asked.

The blond of the duo turned to look at me. "We don't know either, I woke up tied up and hung from the ceiling, I got free and freed these two but were as clueless as you." He said.

Annoyed, I sighed. "Who the hell are you two?"

"You tell first." The man with slightly longer hair and a white outfit demanded giving me a small glare. The door next to mine opened up and a man with blond hair and feathers in his hair walked out. "One, you all are extremely loud, two who are you, three why am I here, and four, the notepad on the desk said for all Ultimates to head to the gym? Does that mean you all are ultimates?"

The other two nodded and I sighed nodding as well. "We don't know why any of us are here, and I am an Ultimate, I'm Giorno Giovana, Ultimate Boss." The blond said.

The one nexted to him sighed "I'm Bruno Bucciarati, Ulimate Capo."

"The hells a capo?" I asked him and he rolled his eyes "No point in telling you,"

"Well, I'm Caesar Zeppeli, Ultimate Criminal." The man named Caesar said. I took a step away from him and he sighed, "I haven't committed a crime since I was 15, calm down."

"Yeah well, I kinda like having my stuff."

He shook his head "I just said, I have- oh whatever"

Bucciarati turned to me "And? You are?"

I sighed "Jotaro Kujo, Ultimate Delinquent"

"So there's a Capo, Delinquent, and Criminal. What's next a serial killer?" The guy walking around said. He has some weird hairstyle and wore a school uniform like me.

"Well? Who are you?" Giorno asked and we all stared at him.

"Josuke, Josuke Higashikata, I'm the Ultimate Hairstyles!" He said with a proud look.

"You're probably the weirdest here-" I mumbled.

"I take it you all had something that helped you out of your ropes? Help everyone else here, there are 16 of these rooms and there are 5 of us," Caesar said and walked into the room across from him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2022 ⏰

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